Advanced Call Web Service


This plug-in provides functions and smart services for connecting to SOAP-based web services. Where possible it is recommended to utilize the out of the box functionality.

Key Features & Functionality

The Advanced Call Web Service provides support for the following:

  • Support for SOAP attachments
  • Support for Base64 attachments
  • Ability to call web services that do not explicitly declare the requirement for WS-Security UsernameToken in the WSDL policy
  • Ability to call web services that use a self-signed SSL certificate

The attachment provided with the download provides more information and examples. Where possible, use the base product Call Web Service functionality instead.

  • Yes, this is HTTP Basic Authentication.

    Ok, understood, the plugin does not explicitly support this feature. Will try sending it in headers as per your suggestion.

  • The authentication actions in this plug-in are specifically designed to work with WS-Security UsernameToken profile. Which is different to what I believe you're asking for (HTTP Basic Authentication). This one which uses the "Authorization" HTTP header to encode and send the credentials.

    As this plug-in allows HTTP Headers to be se, it may be possible to pass the Authorization header however this would bypass the Third Party Credential store which is needed to securely and safely manage credentials.

  • Hi,
    Trying to use the plugin to make a call to a service with simple authentication. I repeatedly receive 401 error. The key is configured in the third party credentials store ( 'username', 'password' ) and the values for them as far as I can see are correct, and in the 'Service Authentication' input of the smart service the '={ action: "USERNAME_TOKEN_PLAIN_PASSWORD, usernameTokenSystemKey: <name of key in store> }" value is set.

     - Is there any way to see  the full request body without making Appian environment changes ?
     - Is there a way to send the credentials without resorting to third party credentials feature ?

    Thank you,

  • There is no explicit limit configured at this time, however it's recommended to keep payloads a sensible size and in-line with other native integration options of the platform (see WebAPI and Integration Object documentation for their limits and aim to use this plug-in in-line with those)

  • The Service Authentication section in the documentation lists the following supported authentication methods:

  • Is this plugin supports username + x509 key authentication as SAML, LDAP, x509, UsernameToken derived key, SignedSupportingTokens, or other authentication schemes are not supported within Call Web Service Smart Service

  • The SunCertPathBuilderException was resolved after uploading java keystore. Thanks.

  • What is the maximum response body size handled?

  • Thanks for providing the fix. No more observing AbstractCallSOAPWebService error.

    I am running into following issue. could you please suggest if I am missing anything. 

    Can I use this smart service for the SOAP service which needs basic authentication (username and password).

    I tried with "Service Authentication" parameter value as mentioned below however it fails.

    Service Authentication:

    {action: "USERNAME_TOKEN_DIGEST_PASSWORD", usernameTokenSystemKey: "scs.key"}

    Error: HTTP transport error: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

  • v1.4.2 Release Notes
    • Fixed issue with Exception bundle