Users are able to view, annotate, edit documents (PDFs, office documents, images), and store them into Appian. Contains the connected systems, smart services, and functions to work with WebViewer and to manipulate documents server-side.
Key Features & Functionality
The connected system allows opening and saving documents from and to Appian.
Smart Services
*Please note that the PDFNet Smart Services has been deprecated in this plugin, and placed into its own plugin. You can find the plugin by looking for the Apryse Smart Services plugin. Please use this instead for document processing.
Any notes on what's changed in 1.2.2?
Also there seems to be an issue - Appian is reporting the current version installed is "" and that this is out-of-date with a new version available, but when i try doing the plug-in update *or* just installing the new version, the original "out-of-date" listing remains unchanged other than having an updated "installed on" date.
Hi Mike, let me report this to Appian and get back to you - seeing something similar in my environment. Thanks for your patience!