Apryse WebViewer Connected System


Users are able to view, annotate, edit PDFs, MS Office, images and store them into Appian.

Key Features & Functionality

The connected system allows opening and saving documents from and to Appian.


  1. Specify a user that will be the author of newly created documents in Appian
  2. Optionally, enter your WebViewer license. You can get a demo license from the Apryse website
  3. Optionally, set the file chunk size (if files exceed the heap size limit, the CSP will chunk them into smaller bits to allow for loading/saving large files

  • Version 2.0.0 includes changes that support our document comparison feature, and includes changes to allow for file chunking (you can set chunk size on the CSP, which enables opening and saving files larger than 600MB)

  • Hi Thomas, 

    After updating the PDFTron's connected system and setting chunk size on the CSP, I could not load the documents in Appian, please see the image below. For example, the document file size is 20.11 KB. Could you support for me to sort it out, please?

    Thanks a lot. 



  • Hi Thomas, 

    After updating the PDFTron's connected system and setting chunk size on the CSP, I could not load the documents in Appian, please see the image below. For example, the document file size is 20.11 KB. Could you support for me to sort it out, please?

    Thanks a lot. 



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