
As a Peer Reviewer I want to have a fast and predictable method of checking the quality of application patches so that I do not have to exert a lot of time and energy manually checking these against the application standards.

As a Lead Developer I want to define and manage the quality standards that comprise the 'Definition of Good' for my application so that they can be applied and reported on in a peer review against an application patch.

Key Features & Functionality

  • Automate 80% of the Peer Review checklist items
  • Register Appian applications and define common standards across that application
  • Run a suite of tests across an application patch
  • Report on failed tests
  • Copy tests between applications
  • Define new object/attribute tests (including database table and view objects) and apply within an application
  • Set the reported significance for a failed test (Fail/Warning/Information)
  • Report on unused variables in Expression Rules and Interfaces
  • Report on the complexity score for Expression Rules and Interfaces
  • Report on missing labels/accessibility text for Interface Object components

  • v5.0.0 Release Notes
    1. Support for new Object Types:
    2. Portal
    3. AI Skill
    4. Report on potentially risky design constructs:
    5. Process Models with:
    6. Multiple End nodes
    7. Send Message nodes
    8. Receive Message nodes
    9. User Input Tasks with:
    10. no Exception paths
    11. no Escalations
    12. Interface components with no label configured
    13. Interface components with no accessibility text configured

  • Hi - apologies for the slow response on this.

    I have discovered that this is due to a change in a release of Appian that causes the fn!xpathdocument() to throw this error when introspecting into some (but not all) Process Models. There is a hotfix for this that you can raise with Appian support. Just mention the error and the fact that it is in the function mentioned and they can apply the hotfix to your environment.

  • How to resolve this AQUAMAN issue?

  • Hi Stewart,

    Have you had the time to investigate on the issue? I am eagerly waiting for your feedback on the same.



  • Hi Stewart,

    Thanks for your quick acknowledgement. Yeah we are seeing this error for all the process models. Whenever a patch contains a Process Model, this error is blocking the patch analysis. A patch without any process model is successfully processed by Aquaman.

    We have further analysed and found that this error surfaced from 18th September, 2023. Prior to that it was all working fine.

    FYI. We are currently on Appian Version: 23.2 and 23.3

    Please find attached instance of the process model, I have used in examining in my second screenshot in earlier post.

    Process Model.xml



  • Hi Subhadeep

    I am not seeing this/hearing about this anywhere else. Is it for all your process models or just the one that you are examining in your second screenshot? Are you able to send me an instance of one of your process models?



  • Hi /Author,

    We are facing issues in Aquaman application while trying to analyse a patch which contains Process Models. Please find the below error:

    "An error occurred while evaluating expression: =rule!AQA_ER_identifyObjectType(objects: pv!patchObjects) (Expression evaluation error in rule 'aqa_er_identifyobjecttype' at function a!forEach [line 7]: Error in a!forEach() expression during iteration 1: Expression evaluation error at function a!forEach [line 14]: Error in a!forEach() expression during iteration 1: Expression evaluation error at function 'xpathdocument' [line 23]: A Namespace with the prefix 'n1' has already been declared.) (Data Inputs)"

    Please find attached screenshots for reference.


    Could you please help me with the same. Thanks.



  • v2.2.2 Release Notes
    • The 'Execute Stored procedure' plug-in has been deprecated as this functionality is now part of the base Appian product.

  • Please refer to 's comment regarding a modification to the "AQA Tables" database script that is necessary for AquAMan to be compatible with version 23.1 of the Appian Platform.

    Make sure to only change the lines referring to `OBJECT_TYPE_ID` 12, (i.e. Interfaces), and not those referring to Object Type 7, Expression Rules.

  • Hi Author,

    I tried AquAMan with the version 23.1 and while uploading a patch of interfaces , the patch analysis is stuck in 'Analyzing Objects' status because on backend there is a process named 'AQA Analyze Objects Batch System' which gets paused by exception only in case of a patch with interface. 

    Could you please help me with this.