Manage an Automation Anywhere Control Room and deploy Bots directly from Appian! Users can connect to their AA Control Room and perform multiple operations against it. See which devices are connected and what tasks are available to run. The Automation Anywhere Connected System Plug-in uses the AA Control Room API for each operation listed below.
Key Features & Functionality
I am getting the following error when attempting to use the Deploy Bot integration for the connected system:
I am wondering if there is anything else that needs to be provided to the Deploy Bot integration to get it to work?
Even today we are facing the same issue reported earlier.
Any resolution for above mentioned prblem
Further to this, this is the value that is being used for the Input parameters property:
a!toJson( a!map( input_username: if( a!isNullOrEmpty(ri!username), null, joinarray(ri!username, "|") ), input_groupName: ri!groupName ) )