

Provides Smart Services and custom functions to integrate Appian with Box document management

Key Features & Functionality

Custom Functions

  • Create JSON Web Token (JWT) - createtoken() provides the user with a JWT that can be used for up to 60 seconds as authentication with the Box “token” API
  • Construct URL Custom Function - constructboxurl() expression function facilitates the creation of a servlet download link
  • Generate Box URL - generateboxurl() calls box url and intercepts the redirect url. It requires a valid Client Credentials Grant authorization token.

Smart Services

  • File Upload - after obtaining a JWT, this smart service uses the access token and calls the file upload API passing in the contents of a provided Appian Document
  • File Download to Appian - this smart service can download a file from Box and store it in a provided Appian Knowledge Center or Folder
  • File Download - downloads a file directly to the browser for the user to view/save to their computer. For security reasons most of the parameters passed to the servlet are obfuscated. Use the "constuctboxurl" function to create a URL to access the servlet securely.

Please see the Box File Utilities guide included with the download for complete setup and usage instructions.

  • I'm currently working on an on prem installation that is making use of an older version of this plugin. I'm waiting to get access to the folders I need to install the latest version, but wanted to ask this question, just in case the upgrade doesn't solve the issue. I've followed all the steps in the guide, but can't seem to generate a JWT token. Based on what was sent to me in the logs, the issue is with the private key file as it's generating the following error messages:

    Could not reconstruct the private key: IOException : DerInputStream.getLength(): lengthTag=70, too big.
    ERROR - Error creating JWT
    com.auth0.jwt.exceptions.SignatureGenerationException: The Token's Signature couldn't be generated when signing using the Algorithm: SHA256withRSA

    Is this due to using an older version of the plugin?


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