Dynamic Document Generator


This version is for Appian 23.2 and above. Cloud customers on a lower version of Appian that want to install this plugin should open a support case. Self-managed customers can find the latest jar for Appian 23.1 and lower version in the folder pre-23.2

Convert, merge and generate DOCX, PDF and XML files automatically in an Appian process

Key Features & Functionality

  • PDF from single DOCX with Fonts
    • Convert multiple DOCX files into a single PDF. Please note that the translation from DOCX to PDF is not always 1:1. The template may need to be tweaked or simplified to achieve the desired results.
  • PDF from DOCX without Fonts
    • Convert multiple DOCX files into a single PDF. Please note that the translation from DOCX to PDF is not always 1:1. The template may need to be tweaked or simplified to achieve the desired results. This will not support fonts.
  • PDF from XSL-FO Transformation
    • Uses XSLT to convert an XML to XSL-FO which is then converted to PDF
  • PDF from HTML
    • Converts an HTML document into a single page PDF.
  • PDF from HTML Transformation
    • Uses XSLT to convert an XML to HTML which is then converted to PDF
  • Text Doc from XSLT
    • Uses XSLT to convert an XML to a plain text document (such as HTML, another XML doc, etc).
  • DOCX from XHTML With Styling
    • Converts a valid XHTML file into a DOCX, allowing you to provide your own template file for style reference. Useful for creating dynamic documents that are editable
  • DOCX Merge
    • Merges one or more DOCX files together. If a header or footer exists in any document, they will be removed during the merge process.
    • A configurable separator can be specified: none, line break or page break

Function: xsltransform - Transform source XML using XSL Transform

  • Hello,

    We have a problem with the plugin when trying to transform to pdf, and we only get this error:

    2023-03-14 08:20:40,988 [Appian Work Item - 38334 - WorkID 708 - execution02 - process 2120504 - model 4153 : UnattendedJavaActivityRequest] ERROR com.a                                                                                ppiancorp.process.engine.UnattendedJavaActivityRequest - An error occurred while executing activity: id=19689, classname=com.appiancorp.ps.xmlfo.ss.PdfF                                                                                romHtml
    com.appiancorp.suiteapi.process.exceptions.SmartServiceException: java.lang.Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException

    Please, can you tell me how to add more trace from log4j "appian_log4j.properties"?

    Thanks and best regards

  • This exception seems to be occurring in the Smart ServiceException building. Could you please:

    1. Try changing the pauseOnError input to false, run the process, and check the tomcat-stdOut log

    2. Could you share an example of the docx file that is throwing this error?

    To update your log4j properties file, you need to create a support case (if on cloud). If self-managed the instructions are here: docs.appian.com/.../Customizing_Application_Logging.html

  • Hello Michael,

    I have been asked by the development team if it is possible to share an example of a functional XSL-FO doc.

    They tell me that they are not clear about the variables and content process.

    Best regards

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