Environment Cleanup App


Appian administrators can configure this application to systematically delete unneeded versions of Appian objects to free up memory in the environment on an ongoing basis.

Key Features & Functionality

This application provides a way to manage your Appian object cleanup strategy via a front end tool. These settings can be customized per Appian application to give developers complete control of what is deleted.

The following objects can be managed:

  • Expression Rules
  • SAIL Interfaces
  • Constants
  • Decision Objects
  • Process Models
  • Process Instances
  • Documents
  • Database Data
  • Hi Team,

    We were using this plugin for one of the requirement on object versions cleanup , we were facing issues with interface version removal.

    No object is removing on successfully completion of node.

    we are currently on 22.4 Appian version . please advise or help 

  • Hi Team,

    We were using this plugin for one of the requirement on object versions cleanup , we were facing issues with interface version removal.

    No object is removing on successfully completion of node.

    we are currently on 22.4 Appian version . please advise or help 
