Environment Cleanup App


Appian administrators can configure this application to systematically delete unneeded versions of Appian objects to free up memory in the environment on an ongoing basis.

Key Features & Functionality

This application provides a way to manage your Appian object cleanup strategy via a front end tool. These settings can be customized per Appian application to give developers complete control of what is deleted.

The following objects can be managed:

  • Expression Rules
  • SAIL Interfaces
  • Constants
  • Decision Objects
  • Process Models
  • Process Instances
  • Documents
  • Database Data
Parents Comment Children
  • If oldestAge is not provided, it is coded to respect only the keepVersions parameter. Can you please add the object you took a screenshot of and the folder that it resides in to a package and export this from your environment? Then please open the export log and respond back with the text under the "Success" section.

  • Hi Shawn,

    Thanks for reply, for testing purpose  giving below details :

    Keep Versions : 5

    Oldest Age : null

    Interface version history screen 


    It will be help full , if you can share information on oldest Age logic or is there any condition on object needs to be this many days older and so. ?