Excel Tools


Provides the following custom smart services and functions for handling data in Excel.

Key Features & Functionality

Smart Services included are:

  • Merge Excel Documents
  • Import CSV to Database
  • Import Excel to Database
  • Load CSV to Database
  • Convert HTML to CSV  
  • Convert Excel to CSV
  • Encrypt Excel with Password

Functions included are:

  • Read Excel File Paged
  • Read Excel Cell by Name
  • Read Excel Cell by Number
  • Query Appian Logs
  • Export Datasubset to Base64
  • Validate Document Headers
  • Hello,

    Does 'Export SQL to Flat File' smart service continue to work fine with the 2.2.19 version of this plug-in?
    Since I have a requirement to export multiple tables using SQL to CSVs.

    Albeit  'Export SQL to Flat File' is deprecated, would there be any issues using it?
    Also, is there any replacement for  'Export SQL to Flat File' ?

    Please help, thank you!

  • Hello,

    I do not see smart service Export CDT To Excel in the new version of Excel tools. Is there any reason why the Export CDT To Excel smart service has been removed in the new version of Plugin?


  • Has anyone had any luck on the above issue? We have similar requirement where we are using PostgreSQL

  • Hello All,

    The service is erroring out as it cannot identify IFS() excel function, is there any workaround or anyway we can solve this?

  • We have a similar requirement where we need to import data from CSV / Excel to PostgreSql database. Please let us know if this plugin supports PostgreSql DB as well. 

  • Hi there,

    We are using this tool with PostgreSQL 11.X version and we are getting error while saving simple data ( not dates fields).

    I believe the tool supports ( ORACLE, MSSQL, MYSQL, DB2 and MARIADB) only, Kindly modify it to support PosgreSQL also.

    Apricate your quick response. 



  • Hi everybody, I'm really dummy on Appian (I'm workin' with it since 2 weeks). My boss give me a task where I have to read an Excel File and build a query to update some rows (I read IDs on Excel) on a DB.

    I don't have great problems with the query, but I actually don't know how to read the xls. May someone give me an example to follow?

    Thanx very much to everybody


  • After upgrade to this latest version 2.2.19 we note Health Check continues to report this plug-in as High Risk "Excel Tools (com.appiancorp.ps.exceltools) references private Appian APIs [private] com.appiancorp.common.xml.XmlBeanSerializer.populateObject(java.lang.Object, org.w3c.dom.Node

    Is this expected? Can this High Risk be resolved?

  • A log extract showing error

    2022-06-28 18:30:54,015 [Appian Work Item - 272 - execution00 : UnattendedJavaActivityRequest] ERROR com.appiancorp.process.engine.UnattendedJavaActivityRequest - An error occurred while executing activity: id=247948, classname=com.appiancorp.ps.exceltools.smartservice.MergeExcelDocuments org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidOperationException: A part with the name '/docProps/core.xml' already exists : Packages shall not contain equivalent part names and package implementers shall neither create nor recognize packages with equivalent part names. [M1.12] at org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.OPCPackage.addPackagePart(OPCPackage.java:941) at org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.ZipPackage.saveImpl(ZipPackage.java:547) at org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.OPCPackage.save(OPCPackage.java:1490) at org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.OPCPackage.save(OPCPackage.java:1477) at org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.ZipPackage.closeImpl(ZipPackage.java:472) at org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.OPCPackage.close(OPCPackage.java:464) at org.apache.poi.ooxml.POIXMLDocument.close(POIXMLDocument.java:189) at org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook.close(XSSFWorkbook.java:609) at com.appiancorp.ps.exceltools.smartservice.MergeExcelDocuments.mergeExcelFiles(MergeExcelDocuments.java:147) at com.appiancorp.ps.exceltools.smartservice.MergeExcelDocuments.run(MergeExcelDocuments.java:95) at com.appiancorp.process.runtime.framework.DefaultActivityExecutor$1.lambda$call$0(DefaultActivityExecutor.java:136)