FitNesse for Appian


FitNesse for Appian is a client-side tool that makes it easy to create automated tests on the Appian platform. Create test scripts that will run Appian as if a user was clicking through the application and filling out data. FitNesse for Appian includes easy instructions to get you started.

Note: Java 11 required for plugin version 23.4

Key Features & Functionality

With FitNesse for Appian, you can:

  • Write easy-to-read wiki language tests for Appian applications
  • Speed up testing times
  • Set up reusable regression tests

Reusable scripts can be written to:

  • Create new packages
  • Move them to different stages in the workflow
  • Check that forms are being populated correctly
  • I had to update start.bat file to point to the correct fitnesse-20211030-standalone.jar file instead of fitnesse-20201030-standalone.jar file

  • v21.4 Release Notes
    • Support new card choice components
    • Update CVEs
  • When will we see FitNesse for 21.4?

  • It seems like the download is currently failing due to an "Authentication failed" error. Is there a way to resolve this?

  • HI all. I've just installed FitNesse For Appian, and edited the example test to launch the Chromes browser, I ran the test and it  actually invokes a Chrome Browser tab, types "data:," in the url and then fails with the below exception. Please suggest.

  • Hello, 

    Can anyone help with giving the right format to use on this wiki import, trying to import from SVN to get updates automatically. But ended with error below  when tried with required path/URL.



  • v21.3 Release Notes
    • Appian 21.3 compatible
    • Bug fix for radio button card
    • Bug fix for date picker
  • Hello,

    I'm having issues getting it to run on Ubuntu 20.04

    When using REMOTE_FIREFOX

    __EXCEPTION__:org.openqa.selenium.remote.UnreachableBrowserException: Could not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the remote server or browser start-up failure. Build info: version: '3.141.59', revision: 'e82be7d358', time: '2018-11-14T08:17:03'

    When using FIFEFOX (I've installed Firefox via apt-get)

    __EXCEPTION__:org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: invalid argument: can't kill an exited process Build info: version: '3.141.59', revision: 'e82be7d358', time: '2018-11-14T08:17:03'

    # Populate with location of this project's Home Directory. Home Directory is the unzipped directory.
    # When set to true, login will login to Tempo News, ignoring any path in the URL after /suite
    ### CHROME ###
    # Leave blank if installed in default location of: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe
    # For MacOS or Linux/Unix, update with location of Chrome binary
    # Leave blank if using the Windows driver included in TESTING_HOME\\lib\\drivers\\chromedriver.exe
    # For MacOs or Linux/Unix, update with correct driver in TESTING_HOME/lib/drivers, e.g. /TESTING_HOME/lib/drivers/chromedriver-mac
    # Download new or additional drivers at
    ### FIREFOX ###
    # Leave blank if installed in default location of: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe
    # For MacOS or Linux/Unix, update with location of Firefox binary
    # Leave blank if using the Windows driver included in TESTING_HOME\\lib\\drivers\\geckodriver.exe
    # For MacOS or Linux/Unix, update with correct driver in TESTING_HOME/lib/drivers, e.g. /TESTINGHOME/lib/drivers/geckodriver-mac
    # Download new or additional drivers at
    ### REMOTE FIREFOX ###
    #Name the browser REMOTE_FIREFOX
    # Leave empty if connecting to localhost. http or https
    # Leave empty if connecting to localhost
    # Leave empty if connecting to port 4444
    ### REMOTE CHROME ###
    # Leave empty if connecting to localhost. http or https
    # Name te browser REMOTE_CHROME
    # Leave empty if connecting to localhost (i.e.
    # Leave empty if connecting to port 4444
    #Use comma separated values ex: username=appian,accessKey=,browserName=Safari,platform=mySecretAccessKeycOS 10.13,version=11.1,name=My Safari Test
    #These two chromeOptions capabilities profile.default_content_settings.popups=0) and safebrowsing.enabled=true are hard coded capabilities.
    #You'll need to set chromeOptions to blank to override those capabilities.

    I'm able to do a curl/wget of the URL I'm trying to reach from the machine.

    Here are the different versions of the tools I am running:

    openjdk version "1.8.0_282"
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (AdoptOpenJDK)(build 1.8.0_282-b08)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (AdoptOpenJDK)(build 25.282-b08, mixed mode)
    Mozilla Firefox 89.0.2
    geckodriver 0.24.0 ( 2019-01-28)

    I followed all the other instructions - anything else I may be missing?

  • is missing from the currently available download (July 7 2021). Is there a way to just get this file someplace else? Or else, can anyone share the file?

    Many thanks!

  • Hello Team,

    Please find the issue on the latest fitnesse we run on appian version 21.1 :

    1. On windows10, the "a!pickerFieldCustom" , "a!pickerFieldUsers" and any other picker fields are not recognized on both chrome and fiexfox, and unable to type and select by fitnesses.

    2. And Fitnesse unable to recognize and click on "a!cardLayout"  (on any OS platform, both chrome , firefox).

    Please help to fix this issue asap.

