GridPlus Component Plug-In


An editable grid that easily display up to 5,000 rows of editable record data at a time, without needing pagination or experiencing lag. Data is displayed in a flexible and modern interface, equipped with features such as drag & drop columns, column sorting and filtering, manually adjustable column sizes, freezable columns, and many others.

End user abilities include:

  • Quickly manipulate single items of data or large batches by way of multicell selection
  • Create new records by adding data into empty rows either in the middle or at the bottom of the grid
  • Delete records by the 'remove rows' button in a pop up context menu

Key Features & Functionality

  • Flexible presentation of record data
    • Resize columns
    • Drag & drop columns
    • Display row headers
    • Add borders around selected cells
    • Hide or show columns
    • Freeze or unfreeze columns
    • Define column widths for each column
    • Display links to record views
  • Export record data from grid: download to local storage a CSV file of your grid’s current data view
  • Sorting and filtering: rapid, server-side, multi-column
  • Data formatting: currency, percentages, date, dropdowns, checkboxes, etc.
  • Edit records: alter individual or many cell values to update existing records
  • Create records: create new records of a designer-specified record type
  • Delete records: remove rows of data to delete records from the data fabric
  • Excel-like behavior
    • Range cell selection with mouse select and drag
    • Copy, cut, and paste
    • Keyboard manipulation of and navigation between data
    • Intuitive context menus with complex functionality (insert new row, remove row, cut, copy, add border)
  • User based security: restrict editing by user and group with SAIL expressions
  • Column level data types (Auto-Wrapping Text, Numeric, Date, Dropdown, Checkbox)
    • Specialized filtering, editing, and validation ability by type
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