GridPlus Helper


Provides the functions and servlet necessary to define column configurations in the Grid+ Component Plug-in.

Key Features & Functionality

Defines logic necessary to use the Grid+ Component plug-in to create, edit, and delete record data from your data fabric.
Column configuration functions: used to define each column displayed in the Grid+ component plug-in. Dictates the way data is formatted, edited, and filtered for each column.
Options include the following:

  • checkboxcolconfig
  • datecolconfig
  • dropdowncolconfig
  • numericcolconfig
  • textcolconfig

Functions used to support column configurations include:

  • validator: defines custom validator logic to be used in the validator parameter of the column configuration functions above.
  • recordlinkconfig

Functions used in component configuration include:

  • exportconfig
  • exportrange

Servlet "Get Record View URL" is used to support configurations through the recordlinkconfig within a textcolconfig or numericolconfig. When a record link is selected in a cell, this servlet returns the full URL of the specified record view.

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