Home Site


Heard of Sites, but don’t know how to use them to their full advantage? Transform your Appian implementation into one cohesive and intuitive web page with the Home Site utility! The Home Site utility is a framework that allows designers to easily configure existing reports/actions into an intuitive hierarchical navigation structure for their end users.   

The Home Site is great for accounts that utilize Appian across departments, who have overlapping feature sets, and are hoping to scale their Appian solutions.  It provides the enterprise user of Appian, an easy way to navigate across applications and their reports, actions, or sites which span across departments or roles. 

Key Functionality and Features

  • Every user can start on the same Site landing page for a consistent platform experience
  • Users are presented with the designer-configured* feature cards they have access to, and provided an intuitive navigational experience to dig further
  • Users immediately see what tasks are assigned to them right on the Home landing page
  • Mobile awareness and custom messaging can be broadcast to every user when they log into the main landing page
  • Designed/optimized for both desktop and mobile experiences
  • Admin view to look into a user’s access

New in v1.1!

  • Users can bookmark features for quick access from their Home page
  • Support to tie in the User Outreach component on the AppMarket so that users can view pertinent messaging/release notes right from their landing page

For more details on using this utility and the functionality it provides see the “Home Site Design Document” provided with the download.

  • How to add feature cards under "My features"

  • How to add feature cards under "My features"

  • Hello, thank you for the inquiry!

    There are no pre-requisite packages/plugins needed to import the Home Site framework. 

    Can you please run the following in a blank expression rule on the environment (you will need to install the Content Tools plugin to access this function):


    I just tested importing the "Home Site - Framework v1.1.0.zip" file into a new environment and didn't receive an error. I also didn't see any reference to the process model UUID you reference in the Home Site application container. The getcontentdetailsbyuuid() returned "No object with this UUID has been found".

    Can you also please verify that no other objects/application zips were included on import. Screenshots of the unsuccessful import attempt / import log will also be helpful. Thanks!

  • Hi Bryan, Great effort.  I'm trying to import the "Home Site - Framework v1.1.0.zip" file into my DEV environment and getting process model is not valid issue. Do we need to import any pre-request objects?


    processModel 0002e2e4-a85c-8000-f92f-7f0000014e7a "": An error occurred while creating processModel [uuid=0002e2e4-a85c-8000-f92f-7f0000014e7a]: com.appiancorp.process.validation.ValidationException: Process Model is not valid. (APNX-1-4071-007)