
Accepts inline and internal styles and also adds images in the PDF if they are publicly hosted. Based on content, multiple pages will be created in the PDF. The Smart Service will accept HTML files with properly closed tags including <br> and <img> tags otherwise the node will be errored out.

Version 2.0.0 introduces the ability to generate PDF from HTML with landscape orientation.

Key Features & Functionality


  • Source Document (Document) - The html file to be converted into PDF.
  • New Document Name (Text) - Name for the newly created PDF Document.
  • New Document Desc (Text) - Description of the output PDF Document.
  • Save In Folder (Folder) - Folder to which the output PDF Document to be saved in.


  • New Document Created (Document) - The output PDF file.
  • Error Message (Text) - Error message received.
  • Error Occurred (Boolean) - Set to true on the occurrence of error.
  • I have been using this plugin and achieving productive document results, but have recently encountered an issue in which the generated documents are sometimes not accessible by other nodes in the process once they have supposedly generated. Specifically, I'm getting and End-of-File, expected line at offset 0 error that seems to imply that the created document is empty. However, no error flag is set by the plugin, and the document appears to be correctly generated when looing in the Knowledge Center. Additionally, this is not a consistent bug: sometimes, the documents generate and are manipulated with no issue, and the bug appears to occur at random. Any feedback about what could be causing this issue would be highly appreciated.

  • Hi  ,

    Is there is any way to reproduce the same? If yes, kindly share sample inputs for reproducing the issue.

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