Interactive SVG Map Component


The possibility to highlight business KPIs with colors on tailored custom maps and to drill down into details from that is a common need in several sectors such as:

  • Retail for stores
  • Public Sector for geographical area
  • Logistic for warehouses
  • Office Space design/allocation
  • and many others

Leveraging an SVG integration, we provide a way to customer to use their own svg maps into Appian SAIL.

Key Features & Functionality

The interactiveSvgMapComponent allows customers to:

  • Provide a custom SVG map image
  • Specify a list of areas as a parameter for which a different color (standard Appian colors or hex code) can be applied, show a custom tooltip, decide the best way to highlight the area on mouse hover, and optionally allow a click event on the area itself
  • Zoom in and out on the map using the mouse, buttons, or icons
  • Pan the map within the component area
  • Use Appian document generation template format to populate a text field in the map image with Appian values
  • As a result, the component will return the index of the selected area (across the ones specified as a parameter), which can be used in SAIL to show the details data related to that area
  • By leveraging the Rich Text Editor image upload connected system, it is also possible to convert the resulting map into a PNG image document for reporting purposes or for use in SAIL interfaces for read-only users.
  • Have you tried to play with the column width attribute of the column layout component ? 

  • Hi  , I am trying to understand if this plugin can be used to show SVG inline in a grid.

    I created a fake grid with columnsLayout and columnLayout, and inserted the following SVG:

    <svg width='45px' height='45px' viewBox='0 0 15 15' fill='none' xmlns=''> <path d='M0 7.49996C0 3.52583 3.09098 0.27365 7 0.0163574V4.0354C5.30385 4.27801 4 5.73672 4 7.49996C4 9.43295 5.567 11 7.5 11C8.28618 11 9.01181 10.7407 9.5961 10.3031L12.438 13.1451C11.1188 14.3 9.39113 15 7.5 15C3.35786 15 0 11.6421 0 7.49996Z' fill='#000000'/> <path d='M13.1451 12.438C14.3001 11.1187 15 9.39107 15 7.49996C15 6.46644 14.7909 5.48175 14.4128 4.58586L10.7552 6.21147C10.9132 6.61024 11 7.04496 11 7.49996C11 8.28611 10.7408 9.01174 10.3032 9.59602L13.1451 12.438Z' fill='#000000'/> <path d='M8 4.0354V0.0163574C10.5416 0.183645 12.7373 1.61699 13.9626 3.69166L10.2541 5.33986C9.71063 4.64791 8.91203 4.16585 8 4.0354Z' fill='#000000'/> </svg>

    In the interface, it seems that to the right of the viewbox there is some whitespace that I'm not sure if it can be removed:

    Here you can see the viewbox as 0, 0, 10, 10. It doesn't seem to me like a problem with viewbox

  • v6.0.2 Release Notes
  • v6.0.1 Release Notes
    • Component Height now properly fit to content when the SVG source is dynamically changed from SAIL
    • Description of mapAreaParameters parameter in designer now reflect the latest updates of the plugin
  • v6.0.0 Release Notes
    • New Features
    • Icons to zoom in zoom out can be used as alternative to buttons
    • You can now zoom up to 10 times a SVG Image
    • You can set/override viewBox attribute of the SVG for proper sizing in the interface
    • New Parameters
    • zoomControlsIcons (Boolean): When true icons for zooming in/out and reset view are shown instead of buttons
    • maxScale (Number (Integer)): Maximum Scale when zooming in accepted values 2 to 10 (default is 4)
    • svgViewBox (Text): json dictionary to define/override viewBox attribute in SVG tag format is {minX: number (Integer), minY: number (Integer), width: number (Integer), height: number (Integer) }

  • Glad to hear , maybe yours would need some cleanup of extra tags but all SVG works with component

  • Thanks Lorenzo, This one worked ! Next I'll look to make it interactive.

  • Maybe it's something in your SVG , refer to the technical notes in the plugin ,

    Can you try with this SVG ?

    <svg baseprofile="tiny" fill="#F0F0F0"  stroke="#000000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" version="1.2" viewbox="0 0 959 593" xmlns="">  <path id="AK" d="M161.1 453.7l-.3 85.4 1.6 1 3.1.2 1.5-1.1h2.6l.2 2.9 7 6.8.5 2.6 3.4-1.9.6-.2.3-3.1 1.5-1.6 1.1-.2 1.9-1.5 3.1 2.1.6 2.9 1.9 1.1 1.1 2.4 3.9 1.8 3.4 6 2.7 3.9 2.3 2.7 1.5 3.7 5 1.8 5.2 2.1 1 4.4.5 3.1-1 3.4-1.8 2.3-1.6-.8-1.5-3.1-2.7-1.5-1.8-1.1-.8.8 1.5 2.7.2 3.7-1.1.5-1.9-1.9-2.1-1.3.5 1.6 1.3 1.8-.8.8s-.8-.3-1.3-1c-.5-.6-2.1-3.4-2.1-3.4l-1-2.3s-.3 1.3-1 1c-.6-.3-1.3-1.5-1.3-1.5l1.8-1.9-1.5-1.5v-5h-.8l-.8 3.4-1.1.5-1-3.7-.6-3.7-.8-.5.3 5.7v1.1l-1.5-1.3-3.6-6-2.1-.5-.6-3.7-1.6-2.9-1.6-1.1v-2.3l2.1-1.3-.5-.3-2.6.6-3.4-2.4-2.6-2.9-4.8-2.6-4-2.6 1.3-3.2V542l-1.8 1.6-2.9 1.1-3.7-1.1-5.7-2.4h-5.5l-.6.5-6.5-3.9-2.1-.3-2.7-5.8-3.6.3-3.6 1.5.5 4.5 1.1-2.9 1 .3-1.5 4.4 3.2-2.7.6 1.6-3.9 4.4-1.3-.3-.5-1.9-1.3-.8-1.3 1.1-2.7-1.8-3.1 2.1-1.8 2.1-3.4 2.1-4.7-.2-.5-2.1 3.7-.6v-1.3l-2.3-.6 1-2.4 2.3-3.9v-1.8l.2-.8 4.4-2.3 1 1.3h2.7l-1.3-2.6-3.7-.3-5 2.7-2.4 3.4-1.8 2.6-1.1 2.3-4.2 1.5-3.1 2.6-.3 1.6 2.3 1 .8 2.1-2.7 3.2-6.5 4.2-7.8 4.2-2.1 1.1-5.3 1.1-5.3 2.3 1.8 1.3-1.5 1.5-.5 1.1-2.7-1-3.2.2-.8 2.3h-1l.3-2.4-3.6 1.3-2.9 1-3.4-1.3-2.9 1.9h-3.2l-2.1 1.3-1.6.8-2.1-.3-2.6-1.1-2.3.6-1 1-1.6-1.1v-1.9l3.1-1.3 6.3.6 4.4-1.6 2.1-2.1 2.9-.6 1.8-.8 2.7.2 1.6 1.3 1-.3 2.3-2.7 3.1-1 3.4-.6 1.3-.3.6.5h.8l1.3-3.7 4-1.5 1.9-3.7 2.3-4.5 1.6-1.5.3-2.6-1.6 1.3-3.4.6-.6-2.4-1.3-.3-1 1-.2 2.9-1.5-.2-1.5-5.8-1.3 1.3-1.1-.5-.3-1.9-4 .2-2.1 1.1-2.6-.3 1.5-1.5.5-2.6-.6-1.9 1.5-1 1.3-.2-.6-1.8v-4.4l-1-1-.8 1.5h-6.1l-1.5-1.3-.6-3.9-2.1-3.6v-1l2.1-.8.2-2.1 1.1-1.1-.8-.5-1.3.5-1.1-2.7 1-5 4.5-3.2 2.6-1.6 1.9-3.7 2.7-1.3 2.6 1.1.3 2.4 2.4-.3 3.2-2.4 1.6.6 1 .6h1.6l2.3-1.3.8-4.4s.3-2.9 1-3.4c.6-.5 1-1 1-1l-1.1-1.9-2.6.8-3.2.8-1.9-.5-3.6-1.8-5-.2-3.6-3.7.5-3.9.6-2.4-2.1-1.8-1.9-3.7.5-.8 6.8-.5h2.1l1 1h.6l-.2-1.6 3.9-.6 2.6.3 1.5 1.1-1.5 2.1-.5 1.5 2.7 1.6 5 1.8 1.8-1-2.3-4.4-1-3.2 1-.8-3.4-1.9-.5-1.1.5-1.6-.8-3.9-2.9-4.7-2.4-4.2 2.9-1.9h3.2l1.8.6 4.2-.2 3.7-3.6 1.1-3.1 3.7-2.4 1.6 1 2.7-.6 3.7-2.1 1.1-.2 1 .8 4.5-.2 2.7-3.1h1.1l3.6 2.4 1.9 2.1-.5 1.1.6 1.1 1.6-1.6 3.7 1.9 1.5 7.1.6 6.3 4.2 1.5-1 5.2 2.6 2.1-.6 1.9-.8 4.8 1.9zM46 482.6l2.1 5.3-.2 1-2.9-.3-1.8-4-1.8-1.5H39l-.2-2.6 1.8-2.4 1.1 2.4 1.5 1.5zm-2.6 33.5l3.7.8 3.7 1 .8 1-1.6 3.7-3.1-.2-3.4-3.6zM22.7 502l1.1 2.6 1.1 1.6-1.1.8-2.1-3.1V502zM9 575.1l3.4-2.3 3.4-1 1.6 1.9.5 1.9-1.9-.3-1.6 2.7-.6 2.9 2.6-1.1 1.8-4.4 1.1-2.7-.5-3.7-1.1-4.4 1.5-1.6.3zm48.9-4.5l1.6 1.9 2.1-1.6-1.5-1.3zm2.9 3l1.1-2.3 2.1.3-.8 1.9h-2.4zm23.6-1.9l1.5 1.8 1-1.1-.8-1.9zm8.8-12.5l1.1 5.8 2.9.8 5-2.9 4.4-2.6-1.6-2.4.5-2.4-2.1 1.3-2.9-.8 1.6-1.1 1.9.8 3.9-1.8.5-1.5-2.4-.8.8-1.9-2.7 1.9-4.7 3.6-4.8 2.9zm42.3-19.8l2.4-1.5-1-1.8-1.8 1z">   </path>   <path id="HI" d="M233.1 519.3l1.9-3.6 2.3-.3.3.8-2.1 3.1zm10.2-3.7l6.1 2.6 2.1-.3 1.6-3.9-.6-3.4-4.2-.5-4 1.8zm30.7 10l3.7 5.5 2.4-.3 1.1-.5 1.5 1.3 3.7-.2 1-1.5-2.9-1.8-1.9-3.7-2.1-3.6-5.8 2.9zm20.2 8.9l1.3-1.9 4.7 1 .6-.5 6.1.6-.3 1.3-2.6 1.5-4.4-.3zm5.3 5.2l1.9 3.9 3.1-1.1.3-1.6-1.6-2.1-3.7-.3zm7-1.2l2.3-2.9 4.7 2.4 4.4 1.1 4.4 2.7v1.9l-3.6 1.8-4.8 1-2.4-1.5zm16.6 15.6l1.6-1.3 3.4 1.6 7.6 3.6 3.4 2.1 1.6 2.4 1.9 4.4 4 2.6-.3 1.3-3.9 3.2-4.2 1.5-1.5-.6-3.1 1.8-2.4 3.2-2.3 2.9-1.8-.2-3.6-2.6-.3-4.5.6-2.4-1.6-5.7-2.1-1.8-.2-2.6 2.3-1 2.1-3.1.5-1-1.6-1.8z">   </path>   <path id="AL" d="M628.5 466.4l.6.2 1.3-2.7 1.5-4.4 2.3.6 3.1 6v1l-2.7 1.9 2.7.3 5.2-2.5-.3-7.6-2.5-1.8-2-2 .4-4 10.5-1.5 25.7-2.9 6.7-.6 5.6.1-.5-2.2-1.5-.8-.9-1.1 1-2.6-.4-5.2-1.6-4.5.8-5.1 1.7-4.8-.2-1.7-1.8-.7-.5-3.6-2.7-3.4-2-6.5-1.4-6.7-1.8-5-3.8-16-3.5-7.9-.8-5.6.1-2.2-9 .8-23.4 2.2-12.2.8-.2 6.4.2 16.7-.7 31-.3 14.1 2.8 18.8 1.6 14.7z">   </path>   <path id="AR" d="M587.3 346.1l-6.4-.7.9-3.1 3.1-2.6.6-2.3-1.8-2.9-31.9 1.2-23.3.7-23.6.3 1.5 6.9.1 8.5 1.4 10.9.3 38.2 2.1 1.6 3-1.2 2.9 1.2.4 10.1 25.2-.2 26.8-.8.9-1.9-.3-3.8-1.7-3.1 1.5-1.4-1.4-2.2.7-2.4 1.1-5.9 2.7-2.3-.8-2.2 4-5.6 2.5-1.1-.1-1.7-.5-1.7 2.9-5.8 2.5-1.1.2-3.3 2.1-1.4.9-4.1-1.4-4 4.2-2.4.3-2.1 1.2-4.2.9-3.1z">   </path>   <path id="AZ" d="M135.1 389.7l-.3 1.5.5 1 18.9 10.7 12.1 7.6 14.7 8.6 16.8 10 12.3 2.4 25.4 2.7 6-39.6 7-53.1 4.4-31-24.6-3.6-60.7-11-.2 1.1-2.6 16.5-2.1 3.8-2.8-.2-1.2-2.6-2.6-.4-1.2-1.1-1.1.1-2.1 1.7-.3 6.8-.3 1.5-.5 12.5-1.5 2.4-.4 3.3 2.8 5 1.1 5.5.7 1.1 1.1.9-.4 2.4-1.7 1.2-3.4 1.6-1.6 1.8-1.6 3.6-.5 4.9-3 2.9-1.9.9-.1 5.8-.6 3.9.4-.9 3-1.7 2.4-3.7.4z">   </path>   <path id="CA" d="M122.7 385.9l-19.7-2.7-10-1.5-.5-1.8v-9.4l-.3-3.2-2.6-4.2-.8-2.3-3.9-4.2-2.9-4.7-2.7-.2-3.2-.8-.3-1 1.5-.6-.6-3.2-1.5-2.1-4.8-.8-3.9-2.1-1.1-2.3-2.6-4.8-2.9-3.1H57l-3.9-2.1-4.5-1.8-4.2-.5-2.4-2.7.5-1.9 1.8-7.1.8-1.9v-2.4l-1.6-1-.5-2.9-1.5-2.6-3.4-5.8-1.3-3.1-1.5-4.7-1.6-5.3-3.2-4.4-.5-2.9.8-3.9h1.1l2.1-1.6 1.1-3.6-1-2.7-2.7-.5-1.9-2.6-2.1-3.7-.2-8.2.6-1.9.6-2.3.5-2.4-5.7-6.3V236l.3-.5.3-3.2-1.3-4-2.3-4.8-2.7-4.5-1.8-3.9 1-3.7.6-5.8 1.8-3.1.3-6.5-1.1-3.6-1.6-4.2L14 184l.8-3.2 1.5-4.2 1.8-.8.3-1.1 3.1-2.6 5.2-11.8.2-7.4 1.69-4.9 38.69 11.8 25.6 6.6-8 31.3-8.67 33.1L88.84 250 131 312.3l17.1 26.1-.4 3.1 2.8 5.2 1.1 5.4 1 1.4-1.4 1-3.4 1.6-1.9 2.1-1.7 3.9-.5 4.7-2.6 2.5-2.3 1.1-.1 6.2-.6 1.9 1 1.7 3 .3-.4 1.6-1.4 2-3.9.6zM48.8 337l1.3 1.5-.2 1.3-3.2-.1-.6-1.2-.6-1.5zm1.9 0l1.2-.6 3.6 2.1 3.1 1.2-.9.6-4.5-.2-1.6-1.6zm20.7 19.8l1.8 2.3.8 1 8.7l1.8 3.2 1.2 1.9-1.5.2-1.3-1.2s-.7-1.5-.7-1.9v-2.2z">   </path>   <path id="CO" d="M380.2 235.5l-36-3.5-79.1-8.6-2.2 22.1-7 50.4-1.9 13.7 34 3.9 37.5 4.4 34.7 3 14.3.6z">   </path>   <path id="CT" d="M852 190.9l3.6-3.2 1.9- 2.7-1.5 5.2-1.1 7-3.5-.6-4.2-.8-4.4-1.6-6-4.3 1.1-21.8 4.7.6 3.1 1.5 7.3v8.3l-.9 2.1 1.7 2.2z">   </path>   <path id="DE" d="M834.4 247.2l-1 .5-3.6-2.4-1.8-4.7-1.9-3.6-2.3-1-2.1-3.6.5-2 .5-2.3.1-1.1-.6.1-1.7 1-2 1.7-.2.3 1.4 4.1 2.3 5.6 3.7 16.1 5-.3 6-1.1z">   </path>   <path id="FL" d="M750.2 445.2l-5.2-.7-.7.8 1.5 4.4-.4 5.2-4.1-1-.2-2.8H737l-5.3.7-32.4 1.9-8.2-.3-1.7-1.7-2.5-4.2H681l-6.6.5-35.4 4.2-.3 2.8 1.6 1.6 2.9 2 .3 8.4 3.3-.6 6-2.1 6-.5 4.4-.6 7.6 1.8 8.1 3.9 1.6 1.5 2.9 1.1 1.6 1.9.3 2.7 3.2-1.3h3.9l3.6-1.9 3.7-3.6 .2-1.9 4-.8h2.6l2.9 1.5 4.2 1.5 2.4 3.7 2.7 1 1.1 3.4 3.4 1.6 1.6 2.6 1.9.6 5.2 1.3 1.3 3.1 3 3.7v9.5l-1.5 4.7.3 2.7 1.3 4.8 1.8 4 .8-.5 1.5-4.5-2.6-1-.3-.6 1.6-.6 4.5 1 .2 1.6-3.2 5.5-2.1 2.4 3.6 3.7 2.6 3.1 2.9 5.3 2.9 3.9 2.1 5 1.8.3 1.6-2.1 1.8 1.1 2.6 4 .6 3.6 3.1 4.4.8-1.3 3.9.3 3.6 2.3 3.4 5.2.8 3.4.3 2.9 1.1 1 1.3.5 2.4-1 1.5-1.6 3.9-.2 3.1-1.5 2.7-3.2-.5-1.9-.3-2.4.6-1.9-.3-1.9 2.4-1.3.3-3.4-.6-1.8-.5-12-1.3-7.6-4.5-8.2-3.6-5.8-2.6-5.3-2.9-2.9-2.9-7.4.7-1.4 1.1-1.3-1.6-2.9-4-3.7-4.8-5.5-3.7-6.3-5.3-9.4-3.7-9.7-2.3-7.3zm17.7 132.7l2.4-.6 1.3-.2 1.5-2.3 2.3-1.6 1.3.5 1.1-3.5 1.2-4.2 1.5-2.3 1.2zm13.5-5l1.2 1.1 2.7-2.1 5.3-4.2 3.7-3.9 2.5-6.6 1-1.7.2-3.4-.7.5-1 2.8-1.5 4.6-3.2 5.3-4.4 4.2-3.4 1.9z">   </path>   <path id="GA" d="M750.2 444.2l-5.6-.7-1.4 1.6 1.6 4.7-.3 3.9-2.2-.6-.2-3h-5.2l-5.3.7-32.3 1.9-7.7-.3-1.4-1.2-2.5-4.3-.8-3.3-1.6-.9-.5-.5.9-2.2-.4-5.5-1.6-4.5.8-4.9 1.7-4.8-.2-2.5-1.9-.7-.4-3.2-2.8-3.5-1.9-6.2-1.5-7-1.7-4.8-3.8-16-3.5-8-.8-5.3.1-2.3 3.3-.3 13.6-1.6 18.6-2 6.3-1.1.5 1.4-2.2.9-.9 2.2.4 2 1.4 1.6 4.3 2.7 3.2-.1 3.2 4.7.6 1.6 2.3 2.8.5 1.7 4.7 1.8 3 2.2 2.3 3 2.3 1.3 2 1.8 1.4 2.7 2.1 1.9 4.1 1.8 2.7 6 1.7 5.1 2.8.7 2.1 1.9 2 5.7 2.9 1.6 1.7-.8.4 1.2-3.3 6.2.5 2.6-1.5 4.2-2.3 10 .8 6.3z">   </path>   <path id="IA" d="M556.8 183.6l2.1 3 .3 4 2.6 4.1 3.1 1.6 1.8.2 2.4 2.5 1 .9 1.1.5 1.6 3.8 3.3.6 1.9-.7 3-1.7 3.7-.6 2.4-2.1 1.6-1.6.5-5.7 1.5-1.6 4.8.8 1.8 1.7 1.5-.2 3.5-1.9 1.4-.7 1.8v2.4l-1.4.4-1.7 1.4-.5 1.7.4 1.7-1.3 1-2.3-2.7-1.4-2.8-8.3.8-10 .6-49.2 1.2-1.6-4.3-.4-6.7-1.4-4.2-.7-5.2-2.2-3.7-1-4.6-2.7-7.8-1.1-5.6-1.4-1.9-1.3-2.9 1.7-3.8 1.2-6.1-2.7-2.2-.3-2.4.7-2.4 1.8-.3 61.1-.6 21.2-.7z">   </path>   <path id="ID" d="M175.3 27.63l-4.8 17.41L166 65.9l-3.4 16.22-.4 9.67 1.2 4.44 3.5 2.66-.2 3.91-3.9 4.4-4.5 6.6-.9 2.9-1.2 1.1-1.8.8-4.3 5.3-.4 3.1-.4 1.1.6 1 2.6-.1 1.1 2.3-2.4 5.8-1.2 4.2-8.8 35.3 20.7 4.5 39.5 7.9 34.8 6.1 4.9-29.2 3.8-24.1-2.7-2.4-.4-2.6-.8-1.1-2.1 1-.7 2.6-3.2.5-3.9-1.6-3.8.1-2.5.7-3.4-1.5-2.4.2-2.4 2-2-1.1-.7-4 .7-2.9-2.5-2.9-3.3-2.6-2.7-13.1-.1-4.7-.3-.1-.2.4-5.1 3.5-1.7-.2-2.9-3.4-.2-3.1 7-17.13-.4-1.94-3.4-1.15-.6-1.18-2.6-3.46-4.6-10.23-3.2-1.53-2-4.95 1.3-4.63-3.2-7.58 4.4-21.52z">   </path>   <path id="IL" d="M618.7 214.3l-.8-2.6-1.3-3.7-1.6-1.8-1.5-2.6-.4-5.5-15.9 1.8-17.4 1h-12.3l.2 2.1 2.2.9 1.1 1.4.4 1.4 3.9 3.4.7 2.4-.7 3.3-1.7 3.7-.8 2.7-2.4 1.9-1.9.6-5.2 1.3-1.3 4.1.6 1.1 1.9 1.8-.2 4.3-2.1 1.6-.5 1.3v2.8l-1.8.6-1.4 1.2-.4 1.2.4 2-1.6 1.3-.9 2.8.3 3.9 2.3 7 7 7.6 5.7 3.7v4.4l.7 1.2 6.6.6 2.7 1.4-.7 3.5-2.2 6.2-.8 3 2 3.7 6.4 5.3 4.8.8 2.2 5.1 2 3.4-.9 2.8 1.5 3.8 1.7 2.1 1.6-.3 1-2.2 2.4-1.7 2.8-1 6.1 2.5.5-.2v-1.1l-1.2-2.7.4-2.8 2.4-1.6 3.4-1.2-.5-1.3-.8-2 1.2-1.3 1-2.7v-4l.4-4.9 2.5-3 1.8-3.8 2.5-4-.5-5.3-1.8-3.2-.3-3.3.8-5.3-.7-7.2-1.1-15.8-1.4-15.3-.9-11.7z">   </path>   <path id="IN" d="M622.9 216.1l1.5 1 1.1-.3 2.1-1.9 2.5-1.8 14.3-1.1 18.4-1.8 1.6 15.5 4.9 42.6-.6 2.9 1.3 1.6.2 1.3-2.3 1.6-3.6 1.7-3.2.4-.5 4.8-4.7 3.6-2.9 4 .2 2.4-.5 1.4h-3.5l-1.4-1.7-5.2 3 .2 3.1-.9.2-.5-.9-2.4-1.7-3.6 1.5-1.4 2.9-1.2-.6-1.6-1.8-4.4.5-5.7 1-2.5 1.3v-2.6l.4-4.7 2.3-2.9 1.8-3.9 2.7-4.2-.5-5.8-1.8-3.1-.3-3.2.8-5.3-.7-7.1-.9-12.6-2.5-30.1z">   </path>   <path id="KS" d="M485.9 259.5l-43.8-.6-40.6-1.2-21.7-.9-4.3 64.8 24.3 1 44.7 2.1 46.3.6 12.6-.3.7-35-1.2-11.1-2.5-2-2.4-3-2.3-3.6.6-3 1.7-1.4v-2.1l-.8-.7-2.6-.2-3.5-3.4z">   </path>   <path id="KY" d="M607.2 331.8l12.6-.7.1-4.1h4.3l30.4-3.2 45.1-4.3 5.6-3.6 3.9-2.1.1-1.9 6-7.8 4.1-3.6 2.1-2.4-3.3-2-2.5-2.7-3-3.8-.5-2.2-2.6-1.4-.9-1.9-.2-6.1-2.6-2-1.9-1.1-.5-2.3-1.3.2-2 1.2-2.5 2.7-1.9-1.7-2.5-.5-2.4 1.4h-2.3l-1.8-2-5.6-.1-1.8-4.5-2.9-1.5-2.1.8-4.2.2-.5 2.1 1.2 1.5.3 2.1-2.8 2-3.8 1.8-2.6.4-.5 4.5-4.9 3.6-2.6 3.7.2 2.2-.9 2.3-4.5-.1-1.3-1.3-3.9 2.2.2 3.3-2.4.6-.8-1.4-1.7-1.2-2.7 1.1-1.8 3.5-2.2-1-1.4-1.6-3.7.4-5.6 1-2.8 1.3-1.2 3.4-1 1 1.5 3.7-4.2 1.4-1.9 1.4-.4 2.2 1.2 2.4v2.2l-1.6.4-6.1-2.5-2.3.9-2 1.4-.8 1.8 1.7 2.4-.9 1.8-.1 3.3-2.4 1.3-2.1 1.7z">   </path>   <path id="LA" d="M526.9 485.9l8.1-.3 10.3 3.6 6.5 1.1 3.7-1.5 3.2 1.1 3.2 1 .8-2.1-3.2-1.1-2.6.5-2.7-1.6.8-1.5 3.1-1 1.8 1.5 1.8-1 3.2.6 1.5 2.4.3 2.3 4.5.3 1.8 1.8-.8 1.6-1.3.8 1.6 1.6 8.4 3.6 3.6-1.3 1-2.4 2.6-.6 1.8-1.5 1.3 1 .8 2.9- 3.4-1.3 2.3-3.4.8-.5-2.1-.3.8-1.6-.2-1.5 2.1-.5 1.1- 3.1 4.2.6 4 1.9 1 1.5h2.9l1.1 1 2.3-3.1V493h-1.3l-3.4-2.7-5.8-.8-3.2-2.3 1.1-2.7 2.1-.6 2.6-3.1-.6-1-1.8 1.8-1.9 1.9-1.7-2.2-6.5-3.4-3.4 1-7.3-.2-.5-1.3.2-33.1 1.4-.8-2.4.8-8.5 8.6-14.8-.9-2.6 1.4-.4.4-2-2.2-2 .1-1.9-2-4.5-.4-5.1.1-.7-26.4.8- 9.7.7 9.5.5 3.7 2.6 4.5.9 4.4 4.3 6 .3 8.3-2.8 4.6 1.2 2.4-.5 2.6-.8 7.3-1.3 3 .2 3.7z">   </path>   <path id="MA" d="M887.5 172.5l-.5-2.3.8-1.5 2.9-1.5.8 3.1-.5 1.8-2.4 1.5v1l1.9-1.5 3.9-4.5 3.9-1.9 4.2-1.5-.3-2.4-1-2.9-1.9-2.4-1.8-.8-2.1.2-.5.5 1 1.3 1.5-.8 2.1 1.6.8 2.7-1.8 1.8-2.3 1-3.6-.5-3.9-6-2.3-2.6h-1.8l-1.1.8-1.9-2.6.3-1.5 2.4-5.2-2.9-4.4-3.7 1.8-1.8 2.9-18.3 4.7-13.8 2.5-.6 10.6.7 4.9 22-4.8 11.2-2.8 2 1.6 3.4 4.3 2.9 4.7zm12.5 1.4l2.2-.7.5-1.7 1 .1 1 2.3-1.3.5-3.9.1zm-9.4.8l2.3-2.6h1.6l1.8 1.5-2.4 1-2.2 1z">   </path>   <path id="MD" d="M834.8 264.1l1.7-3.8.5-4.8-6.3 1.1-5.8.3-3.8-16.8-2.3-5.5-1.5-4.6-22.2 4.3-37.6 7.6 2 10.4 4.8-4.9 2.5-.7 1.4-1.5 1.8-2.7 1.6.7 2.6-.2 2.6-2.1 2-1.5 2.1-.6 1.5 1.1 2.7 1.4 1.9 1.8 1.3 1.4 4.8 1.6-.6 2.9 5.8 2.1 2.1-2.6 3.7 2.5-2.1 3.3-.7 3.3-1.8 2.6v2.1l.3.8 2 1.3 3.4 1.1 4.3-.1 3.1 1 2.1.3 1-2.1-1.5-2.1v-1.8l-2.4-2.1-2.1-5.5 1.3-5.3-.2-2.1-1.3-1.3s1.5-1.6 1.5-2.3c0-.6.5-2.1.5-2.1l1.9-1.3 1.9-1.6.5 1-1.5 1.6-1.3 3.7.3 1.1 5.5-2.1 1 .3 3.6.5-.2 1.1-1.9 1.6 1.8-1.6 1.3-.3 3.4 2.6 3.4 3.9.5 1.6-.8 3.2 4.2 1 .4zm-14.5.2l1.1 2.5.2 1.8 1.1 1.9s.9-.9.9-1.2c0-.3-.7-3.1-.7-3.1l-.7-2.3z">   </path>   <path id="ME" d="M865.8 91.9l1.5.4v-2.6l.8-5.5 2.6-4.7 1.5-4-1.9-2.4v-6l.8-1 .8-2.7-.2-1.5-.2-4.8 1.8-4.8 2.9-8.9 2.1-4.2h1.3l1.3.2v1.1l1.3 2.3 1.8-1.8 1.5.2 6 2.4 1.9 1 9.1 29.9h6l.8 1.9.2 4.8 2.9 2.3h.8l.2-.5-.5-1.1 2.8-.5 1.9 2.1 2.3 3.7V85l-2.1 4.7-1.9.6-3.4 3.1-4.8 5.5h-1.3c-.6 0-1-2.1-1-2.1l-1.8.2-1 1.5-2.4 1.5-1 1.5 1.6 1.5-.5.6-.5 2.7-1.9-.2v-1.6l-.3-1.3-1.5.3-1.8-3.2-2.1 1.3 1.3 1.5.3 1.1-.8 1.3.3 3.1.2 1.6-1.6 2.6-2.9.5-.3 2.9-5.3 3.1-1.3.5-1.6-1.5-3.1 3.6 1 3.2-1.5 1.3-.2 4.4-1.1 6.3-2.2-.9-.5-3.1-4-1.1-.2-2.5-11.7-37.43zm36.5 15.6l1.5-1.5 1.4 1.1.6 2.4-1.7.9zm6.7-5.9l1.8 1.9s1.3.1 1.3-.2c0-.3.2-2 .2-2l.9-.8-.8-1.8-2 .7z">   </path>   <path id="MI" d="M644.5 211l19.1-1.9.2 1.1 9.9-1.5 12-1.7.1-.6.2-1.5 2.1-3.7 2-1.7-.2-5.1 1.6-1.6 1.1-.3.2-3.6 1.5-3 1.9-1-.4-9.1-3.2-8.2-2.3-9.1-2.4-3.2-2.6-1.8-1.6 1.1-3.9 1.8-1.9 5-2.7 3.7-1.1.6-1.5-.6s-2.6-1.5-2.4-2.1c.2-.6.5-5 .5-5l3.4-1.3.8-3.4.6-2.6 2.4-1.6-.3-10-1.6-2.3-1.3-.8-.8-2.1.8-.8 1.8-2.9 2.3.3 3.6 1 .3 1.8-.3 2.1.3 1.6.3 5.5-3.6 2.1-.6-.2v-4.2l1.3-2.4.6-2.4-.8-.8-1.9.8-1 4.2-2.7 1.1-1.8 1.9-.2 1 .6.8-.6 2.6-2.3.5v1.1l.8 2.4-1.1 6.1-1.6 4 .6 4.7.5 1.1-.8 2.4-.3.8-.3 2.7 3.6 6 2.9 6.5 1.5 4.8-.8 4.7-1 6-2.4 5.2-.3 2.7-3.2 3.1zm-33.3-72.4l-1.3-1.1-1.8-10.4-3.7-1.3-1.7-2.3-12.6-2.8-2.8-1.1-8.1-2.2-7.8-1-3.9-5.3.7-.5 2.7-.8 3.6-2.3v-1l.6-.6 6-1 2.4-1.9 4.4-2.1.2-1.3 1.9-2.9 1.8-.8 1.3-1.8 2.3-2.3 4.4-2.4 4.7-.5 1.1 1.1-.3 1-3.7 1-1.5 3.1-2.3.8-.5 2.4-2.4 3.2-.3 1-1.1 3.6-2.9 1.3 1.3h2.3l3.2 1 1.5 1.1 1.5 3.1 2.7 2.7 3.9-.2 1.5-1 1.6 1.3 1.6.5 1.3-.8h1.1l1.6-1 4-3.6 3.4-1.1 6.6-.3 4.5-1.9 2.6-1.3 1.5.2v5.7l.5.3 2.9.8 1.9-.5 6.1-1.6 1.1-1.1 1.5.5v7l3.2 3.1 1.3.6 1.3 1-1.3.3-.8-.3-3.7-.5-2.1.6-2.3-.2-3.2 1.5h-1.8l-5.8-1.3-5.2.2-1.9 2.6-7 .6-2.4.8-1.1 3.1-1.3 1.1-.5-.2-1.5-1.6-4.5 2.4h-.6l-1.1-1.6-.8.2-1.9 4.4-1 4-3.2 6.9zm-29.6-56.5l1.8-2.1 2.2-.8 5.4-3.9 2.3-.6.5.5-5.1 5.1-3.3 1.9-2.1.9zm86.2 32.1l.6 2.5 3.2.2 1.3-1.2s-.1-1.5-.4-1.6c-.3-.2-1.6-1.9-1.6-1.9l-2.2.2-1.6.2-.3 1.1z">   </path>   <path id="MN" d="M464.6 66.79l-.6 3.91v10.27l1.6 5.03 1.9 3.32.5 9.93 1.8 13.45 1.8 7.3.4 6.4v5.3l-1.6 1.8-1.8 1.3v1.5l.9 1.7 4.1 3.5.7 3.2v35.9l60.3-.6 21.2-.7-.5-6-1.8-2.1-7.2-4.6-3.6-5.3-3.4-.9-2-2.8h-3.2l-3.5-3.8-.5-7 .1-3.9 1.5-3-.7-2.7-2.8-3.1 2.2-6.1 5.4-4 1.2-1.4-.2-8 .2-3 2.6-3 3.8-2.9 1.3-.2 4.5-5 1.8-.8 2.3-3.9 2.4-3.6 3.1-2.6 4.8-2 9.2-4.1 3.9-1.8.6-2.3-4.4.4-.7 1.1h-.6l-1.8-3.1-8.9.3-1 .8h-1l-.5-1.3-.8-1.8-2.6.5-3.2 3.2-1.6.8h-3.1l-2.6-1v-2.1l-1.3-.2-.5.5-2.6-1.3-.5-2.9-1.5.5-.5 1-2.4-.5-5.3-2.4-3.9-2.6h-2.9l-1.3-1-2.3.6-1.1 1.1-.3 1.3h-4.8v-2.1l-6.3-.3-.3-1.5h-4.8l-1.6-1.6-1.5-6.1-.8-5.5-1.9-.8-2.3-.5-.6.2-.3 8.2-30.1-.03z">   </path>   <path id="MO" d="M593.1 338.7l.5-5.9 4.2-3.4 1.9-1v-2.9l.7-1.6-1.1-1.6-2.4.3-2.1-2.5-1.7-4.5.9-2.6-2-3.2-1.8-4.6-4.6-.7-6.8-5.6-2.2-4.2.8-3.3 2.2-6 .6-3-1.9-1-6.9-.6-1.1-1.9v-4.1l-5.3-3.5-7.2-7.8-2.3-7.3-.5-4.2.7-2.4-2.6-3.1-1.2-2.4-7.7.8-10 .6-48.8 1.2 1.3 2.6-.1 2.2 2.3 3.6 3 3.9 3.1 3 2.6.2 1.4 1.1v2.9l-1.8 1.6-.5 2.3 2.1 3.2 2.4 3 2.6 2.1 1.3 11.6-.8 40 .5 5.7 23.7-.2 23.3-.7 32.5-1.3 2.2 3.7-.8 3.1-3.1 2.5-.5 1.8 5.2.5 4.1-1.1z">   </path>   <path id="MS" d="M604.3 472.5l2.6-4.2 1.8.8 6.8-1.9 2.1.3 1.5.8h5.2l.4-1.6-1.7-14.8-2.8-19 1-45.1-.2-16.7.2-6.3-4.8.3-19.6 1.6-13 .4-.2 3.2-2.8 1.3-2.6 5.1.5 1.6.1 2.4-2.9 1.1-3.5 5.1.8 2.3-3 2.5-1 5.7-.6 1.9 1.6 2.5-1.5 1.4 1.5 2.8.3 4.2-1.2 2.5-.2.9.4 5 2 4.5-.1 1.7 2.3 2-.7 3.1-.9.3.6 1.9-8.6 15-.8 8.2.5 1.5 24.2-.7 8.2-.7 1.9-.3.6 1.4-1 7.1 3.3 3.3 2.2 6.4z">   </path>   <path id="MT" d="M361.1 70.77l-5.3 57.13-1.3 15.2-59.1-6.6-49-7.1-1.4 11.2-1.9-1.7-.4-2.5-1.3-1.9-3.3 1.5-.7 2.5-2.3.3-3.8-1.6-4.1.1-2.4.7-3.2-1.5-3 .2-2.1 1.9-.9-.6-.7-3.4.7-3.2-2.7-3.2-3.3-2.5-2.5-12.6-.1-5.3-1.6-.8-.6 1-4.5 3.2-1.2-.1-2.3-2.8-.2-2.8 7-17.15-.6-2.67-3.5-1.12-.4-.91-2.7-3.5-4.6-10.41-3.2-1.58-1.8-4.26 1.3-4.63-3.2-7.57 4.4-21.29L222 37.3l18.4 3.4 32.3 5.3 29.3 4 29.2 3.5 30.8 3.07z">   </path>   <path id="NC" d="M786.7 357.7L774 350l-3.1-.8-16.6 2.1-1.6-3-2.8-2.2-16.7.5-7.4.9-9.2 4.5-6.8 2.7-6.5 1.2-13.4 1.4.1-4.1 1.7-1.3 2.7-.7.7-3.8 3.9-2.5 3.9-1.5 4.5-3.7 4.4-2.3.7-3.2 4.1-3.8.7 1 2.5.2 2.4-3.6 1.7-.4 2.6.3 1.8-4 2.5-2.4.5-1.8.1-3.5 4.4.1 38.5-5.6 57.5-12.3 2 4.8 3.6 6.5 2.4 2.4.6 2.3- 4.2-2.6 1.3-.6 2.1-1.3 2.9-3.7 1.6-2.4-.3-1.5-.2-1.6-1.3.3 1.3v1h1.9l.8 1.3-1.9 6.3h4.2l.6 1.6 2.3-2.3 1.3-.5-1.9 3.6-3.1 4.8H828l-1.1-.5-2.7.6-5.2 2.4-6.5 5.3-3.4 4.7-1.9 6.5-.5 2.4-4.7.5-5.1 1.5zm49.3-26.2l2.6-2.5 3.2-2.6 1.5-.6.2-2-.6-6.1-1.5-2.3-.6-1.9.7-.2 2.7 5.5.4 4.4-.2 3.4-3.4 1.5-2.8 2.4-1.1 1.2z">   </path>   <path id="ND" d="M471 126.4l-.4-6.2-1.8-7.3-1.8-13.61-.5-9.7-1.9-3.18-1.6-5.32V70.68l.6-3.85-1.8-5.54-28.6-.59-18.6-.6-26.5-1.3-25.2-2.16-.9 14.42-4.7 50.94 56.8 3.9 56.9 1.7z">   </path>   <path id="NE" d="M470.3 204.3l-1-2.3-.5-1.6-2.9-1.6-4.8-1.5-2.2-1.2-2.6.1-3.7.4-4.2 1.2-6-4.1-2.2-2-10.7.6-41.5-2.4-35.6-2.2-4.3 43.7 33.1 3.3-1.4 21.1 21.7 1 40.6 1.2 43.8.6h4.5l-2.2-3-2.6-3.9.1-2.3-1.4-2.7-1.9-5.2-.4-6.7-1.4-4.1-.5-5-2.3-3.7-1-4.7-2.8-7.9-1-5.3z">   </path>   <path id="NH" d="M881.7 141.3l1.1-3.2-2.7-1.2-.5-3.1-4.1-1.1-.3-3-11.7-37.48-.7.08-.6 1.6-.6-.5-1-1-1.5 1.9-.2 2.29.5 8.41 1.9 2.8v4.3l-3.9 4.8-2.4.9v.7l1.1 1.9v8.6l-.8 9.2-.2 4.7 1 1.4-.2 4.7-.5 1.5 1 1.1 5.1-1.2 13.8-3.5 1.7-2.9 4-1.9z">   </path>   <path id="NJ" d="M823.7 228.3l.1-1.5 2.7-1.3 1.7-2.8 1.7-2.4 3.3-3.2v-1.2l-6.1-4.1-1-2.7-2.7-.3-.1-.9-.7-2.2 2.2-1.1.2-2.9-1.3-1.3.2-1.2 1.9-3.1V193l2.5-3.1 5.6 2.5 6.4 1.9 2.5 1.2.1 1.8-.5 2.7.4 4.5-2.1 1.9-1.1 1 .5.5 2.7-.3 1.1-.8 1.6 3.4.2 9.4.6 1.1-1.1 5.5-3.1 6.5-2.7 4-.8 4.8-2.1 2.4h-.8l-.3-2.7.8-1-.2-1.5-4-.6-4.8-2.3-3.2-2.9-1-2z">   </path>   <path id="NM" d="M270.2 429.4l-16.7-2.6-1.2 9.6-15.8-2 6-39.7 7-53.2 4.4-30.9 34 3.9 37.4 4.4 32 2.8-.3 10.8-1.4-.1-7.4 97.7-28.4-1.8-38.1-3.7.7 6.3z">   </path>   <path id="NV" d="M123.1 173.6l38.7 8.5 26 5.2-10.6 53.1-5.4 29.8-3.3 15.5-2.1 11.1-2.6 16.4-1.7 3.1-1.6-.1-1.2-2.6-2.8-.5-1.3-1.1-1.8.1-.9.8-1.8 1.3-.3 7.3-.3 1.5-.5 12.4-1.1 1.8-16.7-25.5-42.1-62.1-12.43-19 8.55-32.6 8.01-31.3z">   </path>   <path id="NY" d="M843.4 200l.5-2.7-.2-2.4-3-1.5-6.5-2-6-2.6-.6-.4-2.7-.3-2-1.5-2.1-5.9-3.3-.5-2.4-2.4-38.4 8.1-31.6 6-.5-6.5 1.6-1.2 1.3-1.1 1-1.6 1.8-1.1 1.9-1.8.5-1.6 2.1-2.7 1.1-1-.2-1-1.3-3.1-1.8-.2-1.9-6.1 2.9-1.8 4.4-1.5 4-1.3 3.2-.5 6.3-.2 1.9 1.3 1.6.2 2.1-1.3 2.6-1.1 5.2-.5 2.1-1.8 1.8-3.2 1.6-1.9h2.1l1.9-1.1.2-2.3-1.5-2.1-.3-1.5 1.1-2.1v-1.5h-1.8l-1.8-.8-.8-1.1-.2-2.6 5.8-5.5.6-.8 1.5-2.9 2.9-4.5 2.7-3.7 2.1-2.4 2.4-1.8 3.1-1.2 5.5-1.3 3.2.2 4.5-1.5 7.4-2.2.7 4.9 2.4 6.5.8 5-1 4.2 2.6 4.5.8 2-.9 3.2 3.7 1.7 2.7 10.2v5.8l-.6 10.9.8 5.4.7 3.6 1.5 7.3v8.1l-1.1 2.3 2.1 1.8.3 1.3 1.3-.3 1.5-1.3 2.3-2.6 1.1-.6 1.6.6 2.3.2 7.9-3.9 2.9-2.7 1.3-1.5 4.2 1.6-3.4 3.6-3.9 2.9-7.1 5.3-2.6 1-5.8 1.9-4 1.1-1-.4z">   </path>   <path id="OH" d="M663.8 211.2l1.7 15.5 4.8 41.1 3.9-.2 2.3-.8 3.6 1.8 1.7 4.2 5.4.1 1.8 2h1.7l2.4-1.4 3.1.5 1.5 1.3 1.8-2 2.3-1.4 2.4-.4.6 2.7 1.6 1 2.6 2 .8.2 2-.1 1.2-.6v-2.1l1.7-1.5.1-4.8 1.1-4.2 1.9-1.3 1 .7 1 2.5-3.6 1.3-1.5 2.2.5 2.1-1.5 3-3.3 2.2-3.7.2-5.4.5-5V230l-1.2-3.2 1.2-1.8 1.3-1.2-.6-2.8-4.3-25.6-6.2 3.7-3.9 2.3-3.4 3.7-4 3.9-3.2.8-2.9.5-5.5 2.6-2.1.2-3.4-3.1-5.2.6-2.6-1.5-2.2-1.3z">   </path>   <path id="OK" d="M411.9 334.9l-1.8 24.3-.9 18 .2 1.6 4 3.6 1.7.9h.9l.9-2.1 1.5 1.9 2.8 1.4-.4 3.5 3.8.5 2.5 1 4.2.6 2.3 1.6 2.5-1.7 3.5.7 2.2 3.1 1.2.1v2.3l2.1.7 2.5-2.1 1.8.6 2.3 4.4 1.8 1.7-.3 1.9-4.2h1.3l1.1 2.1 4.2.8 3.4 1.3 3 .8 1.6-.7.7-2.7h4.5l1.9.9 2.7-1.9h1.4l.6 1.4h3.6l2-1.8 2.3.6 1.7 2.2 3 1.7 3.4.9 1.9 1.2-.3-37.6-1.4-10.9-.1-8.6-1.5-6.6-.6-6.8.1-4.3-12.6.3-46.3-.5-44.7-2.1-41.5-1.8-.4 10.7z">   </path>   <path id="OR" d="M67.44 158.9l28.24 7.2 27.52 6.5 17 3.7 8.8-35.1 1.2-4.4 2.4-5.5-.7-1.3-2.5.1-1.3-1.8.6-1.5.4-3.3 4.7-5.7 1.9-.9.9-.8.7-2.7.8-1.1 3.9-5.7 3.7-4 .2-3.26-3.4-2.49-1.2-4.55-13.1-3.83L132.9 85l-14.8.37-1.1-1.31-5.1 1.84-4.5-.48-2.4-1.58-1.3.54-4.68-.29-1.96-1.43-4.84-1.77-1.1-.07-4.45-1.27-1.76 1.52-6.26-.24-5.31-3.85.21-9.28-2.05-3.5-4.1-.6-.7-2.5-2.4-.5-5.8 2.1-2.3 6.5-3.2 10-3.2 6.5-5 14.1-6.5 13.6-8.1 12.6-1.9 2.9-.8 8.6-1.3 6 2.71 3.5z">   </path>   <path id="PA" d="M736.6 192.2l1.3-.5 5.7-5.5.7 6.9 33.5-6.5 36.9-7.8 2.3 2.3 3.1.4 2 5.6 2.4 1.9 3.2v3.1l-1.9 3.1-.2 1.9 1.3 1.3-.2 1.9-2.4 1.1 1 3.4.2 1.1 2.5 5.9 3.9v.4l-3.1 3-1.5 2.2-1.7 2.8-2.7 1.2-1.4.3-2.1 1.3-1.6 1.4-22.4 4.3L757 241l-11.3 1.4-3.9.7-5.1-22.4-4.3-25.9z">   </path>   <path id="RI" d="M873.6 175.7l-.8-4.4-1.6-6 5.7-1.5 1.5 1.3 3.4 4.3 2.8 4.4-2.8 1.4-1.3-.2-1.1 1.8-2.4 1.9-2.8 1.1z">   </path>   <path id="SC" d="M759 413.6l-2.1-1-1.9-5.6-2.5-2.3-2.5-.5-1.5-4.6-3-6.5-4.2-1.8-1.9-1.8-1.2-2.6-2.4-2-2.3-1.3-2.2-2.9-3.2-2.4-4.4-1.7-.4-1.4-2.3-2.8-.5-1.5-3.8-5.4-3.4.1-3.9-2.5-1.2-1.2-.2-1.4.6-1.6 2.7-1.3-.8-2 6.4-2.7 9.2-4.5 7.1-.9 16.4-.5 2.3 1.9 1.8 3.5 4.6-.8 12.6-1.5 2.7.8 12.5 7.4 10.1 8.3-5.3 5.4-2.6 6.1-.5 6.3-1.6.8-1.1 2.7-2.4.6-2.1 3.6-2.7 2.7-2.3 3.4-1.6.8-3.6 3.4-2.9.2 1 3.2-5 5.3-2.3 1.6z">   </path>   <path id="SD" d="M471 181.1l-.9 3.2.4 3 2.6 2-1.2 5.4-1.8 4.1 1.5 3.3.7 1.1-1.3.1-.7-1.6-.6-2-3.3-1.8-4.8-1.5-2.5-1.3-2.9.1-3.9.4-3.8 1.2-5.3-3.8-2.7-2.4-10.9.8-41.5-2.4-35.6-2.2L354 162l2.8-34 .4-5 56.9 3.9 56.9 1.7v2.7l-1.3 1.5-2 1.5-.1 2.2 1.1 2.2 4.1 3.4.5 2.7v35.9z">   </path>   <path id="TN" d="M670.8 359.6l-13.1 1.2-23.3 2.2-37.6 2.7- 3.9-2.3.4-2.5 1.2-4.3 3-9.5.5-5.6.3-.2 12.3-.2 13.6-.8.1-3.9 3.5-.1 30.4-3.3 54-5.2 10.3-1.5 7.6-.2 2.4-1.9 1.3.3-.1 3.3-.4 1.6-2.4 2.2-1.6 3.6-2-.4-2.4.9-2.2 3.3-1.4-.2-.8-1.2-1.1.4-4.3 4-.8 3.1-4.2 2.2-4.3 3.6-3.8 1.5-4.4 2.8-.6 3.6-2.5.5-2 1.7-.2 4.8z">   </path>   <path id="TX" d="M282.8 425.6l37 3.6 29.3 1.9 7.4-97.7 54.4 2.4-1.7 23.3-1 18 .2 2 4.4 4.1 2 1.1h1.8l.5- 2.4.2 1.1-.6v-.2l1 .5-.4 3.7 4.5.7 2.4.9 4.2.7 2.6 1.8 2.8-1.9 2.7.6 2.2 1.1 2.5-2.1 1.5.5 2.1 5.2 2 2.3-.5 1.9-4h.1l1.1 1.9 4.6.9 3.4 1.3 3.2 1 2.4-1.2.7-2.3h3.6l2.1 1 3-2h.4l.5 1.4h4.7l1.9-1.8 1.3.4 1.7 2.1 3.3 1.9 3.4 1 2.5 1.4 2.7 2 3.1-1.2 20 .7 9.5.6 4.1 2.6 4.4.9 4.5 4.2 5.9.3 7.7-2.9 4.8 1.3 2.6-.5 2.4-.8 7.2-1.3 3 .3 4.2-5.6 1.6-9.9 4.5-1 1.9-2.6 1.9-2.1 1.5-1.3.8-5.7 5.3-2.7 2.1-5.3 3.2-5.7 2.4-6.3 3.4-1.8 1.5-5.8 3.6-3.4.6-3.9 5.5-4 .3-1 1.9 2.3 1.9-1.5 5.5-1.3 4.5-1.1 3.9-.8 4.5.8 2.4 1.8 7 1 6.1 1.8 2.7-1 1.5-3.1 1.9-5.7-3.9-5.5-1.1-1.3.5-3.2-.6-4.2-3.1-5.2-1.1-7.6-3.4-2.1-3.9-1.3-6.5-3.2-1.9-.6-2.3.6-.6.3-3.4-1.3-.6-.6-1 1.3-4.4-1.6-2.3-3.2-1.3-3.4-4.4-3.6-6.6-4.2-2.6.2-1.9-5.3-12.3-.8-4.2-1.8-1.9-.2-1.5-6-5.3-2.6-3.1v-1.1l-2.6-2.1-6.8-1.1-7.4-.6-3.1-2.3-4.5 1.8-3.6 1.5-2.3 3.2-1 3.7-4.4 6.1-2.4 2.4-2.6-1-1.8-1.1-1.9-.6-3.9-2.3v-.6l-1.8-1.9-5.2-2.1-7.4-7.8-2.3-4.7v-8.1l-3.2-6.5-.5-2.7-1.6-1-1.1-2.1-5-2.1-1.3-1.6-7.1-7.9-1.3-3.2-4.7-2.3-1.5-4.4-2.6-2.9-1.7-.5zm174.4 141.7l-.6-7.1-2.7-7.2-.6-7 1.5-8.2 3.3-6.9 3.5-5.4 3.2- 6.6-4.4 6.5-2 6.6-.3 5.2.9 6.1 2.6 7.2.5 5.2.2 1.5z">   </path>   <path id="UT" d="M228.4 305.9l24.6 3.6 1.9-13.7 7-50.5 2.3-22-32.2-3.5 2.2-13.1 1.8-10.6-34.7-6.1-12.5-2.5-10.6 52.9-5.4 30-3.3 15.4-1.7 9.2z">   </path>   <path id="VA" d="M834.7 265.2l-.2 2.8-2.9 3.8-.4 4.6.5 3.4-1.8 5-2.2 1.9-1.5-4.6.4-5.4 1.6-4.2.7-3.3-.1-1.7zm-60.3 44.6l-38.6 5.6-4.8-.1-2.2-.3-2.5 1.9-7.3.1-10.3 1.6-6.7.6 4.1-2.6 4.1-2.3v-2.1l5.7-7.3 4.1-3.7 2.2-2.5 3.6 4.3 3.8.9 2.7-1 2-1.5 2.4 1.2 4.6-1.3 1.7-4.4 2.4.7 3.2-2.3 1.6.4 2.8-3.2.2-2.7-.8-1.2 4.8-10.5 1.8-5.2.5-4.7.7-.2 1.1 1.7 1.5 1.2 3.9-.2 1.7-8.1 3-.6.8-2.6 2.8-2.2 1.1-2.1 1.8-4.3.1-4.6 3.6 1.4 6.6 3.1.3-5.2 3.4 1.2-.6 2.9 8.6 3.1 1.4 1.8-.8 3.3-1.3 1.3-.5 1.7.5 2.4 2 1.3 3.9 1.4 2.9 1 4.9.9 2.2 2.1 1.2-.4 4.7 1.4 1.1-.5 1.9 1.2.8-.2 1.4-2.7-.1.1 1.6 2.3 1.5.1 1.4 1.8 1.8.5 2.5-2.6 1.4 1.6 1.5 5.8-1.7 3.7 6.2z">   </path>   <path id="VT" d="M832.7 111.3l2.4 6.5.8 5.3-1 3.9 2.5 4.4.9 2.3-.7 2.6 3.3 1.5 2.9 10.8v5.3l11.5-2.1-1-1.1.6-1.9.2-4.3-1-1.4.2-4.7.8-9.3v-8.5l-1.1-1.8v-1.6l2.8-1.1 3.5-4.4v-3.6l-1.9-2.7-.3-5.79-26.1 6.79z">   </path>   <path id="WA" d="M74.5 67.7l-2.3-4.3-4.1-.7-.4-2.4-2.5-.6-2.9-.5-1.8 1-2.3-2.9.3-2.9 2.7-.3 1.6-4-2.6-1.1.2-3.7 4.4-.6-2.7-2.7-1.5-7.1.6-2.9v-7.9l-1.8-3.2 2.3-9.4 2.1.5 2.4 2.9 2.7 2.6 3.2 1.9 4.5 2.1 3.1.6 2.9 1.5 3.4 1 2.3-.2V22l1.3-1.1 2.1-1.3.3 1.1.3 1.8-2.3.5-.3 2.1 1.8 1.5 1.1 2.4.6 1.9 1.5-.2.2-1.3-1-1.3-.5-3.2.8-1.8-.6-1.5V19l1.8-3.6-1.1-2.6L91.9 8l.3-.8 1.4-.8L98 7.9l9.7 2.7 8.6 1.9 20 5.7 23 5.7 15 3.49-4.8 17.56-4.5 20.83-3.4 16.25-.4 9.18-12.9-3.72-15.3-3.47-14.5.32-1.1-1.53-5.7 2.09-3.9-.42-2.6-1.79-1.7.65-4.15-.25-1.72-1.32-5.16-1.82-1.18-.16-4.8-1.39-1.92 1.65-5.65-.25-4.61-3.35zm9.6-55.4l2-.2.5 1.4 1.5-1.6h2.3l.8 1.5-1.5 2-1.4.4s-.9.1-.9-.2c0-.3 1.5-2.6 1.5-2.6l-1.7-.6-.3 1.5-.7.6-1.5-2.3z">   </path>   <path id="WI" d="M541.4 109.9l2.9.5 2.9-.6 7.4-3.2 2.9-1.9 2.1-.8 1.9 1.5-1.1 1.1-1.9 3.1-.6 1.9 1 .6 1.8-1 1.1-.2 1.1 4 5.3 8.2 1.2 8.2 2.2 2.6 1.1 12.3 2.6 1.6 2.3 3.6 1.2L609 138l1.6 1.4 1.5.9-1.1 2.3-1.8 1.6-2.1 4.7-1.3 2.4.2 1.8 1.5.3 1.1-1.9 1.5-.8.8-2.3 1.9-1.8 2.7-4 4.2-6.3.8-.5.3 1-.2 2.3-2.9 6.8-2.7 5.7-.5 3.2-.6 2.6.8 1.3-.2 2.7-1.9 2.4-.5 1.8.6 3.6.6 3.4-1.5 2.6-.8 2.9-1 3.1 1.1 2.4.6 6.1 1.6 4.5-.2 3-15.9 1.8-17.5 1H567l-.7-1.5-2.9-.4-2.6-1.3-2.3-3.7-.3-3.6 2-2.9-.5-1.4-2.1-2.2-.8-3.3-.6-6.8-2.1-2.5-7-4.5-3.8-5.4-3.4-1-2.2-2.8h-3.2l-2.9-3.3-.5-6.5.1-3.8 1.5-3.1-.8-3.2-2.5-2.8 1.8-5.4 5.2-3.8 1.6-1.9-.2-8.1.2-2.8 2.4-2.8z">   </path>   <path id="WV" d="M758.9 254.3l5.8-6 2.6-.8 1.6-1.5 1.5-2.2 1.1.3 3.1-.2 4.6-3.6 1.5-.5 1.3 1 2.6 1.2 3 3-.4 4.3-5.4-2.6-4.8-1.8-.1 5.9-2.6 5.7-2.9 2.4-.8 2.3-3 .5-1.7 8.1-2.8.2-1.1-1-1.2-2-2.2.5-.5 5.1-1.8 5.1-5 11 .9 1.4-.1 2-2.2 2.5-1.6-.4-3.1 2.3-2.8-.8-1.8 4.9-3.8 1-2.5-1.3-2.5 1.9-2.3.7-3.2-.8-3.8-4.5-3.5-2.2-2.5-2.5-2.9-3.7-.5-2.3-2.8-1.7-.6-1.3-.2- 2.4-.2 1.8-1V275l1.7-1.5.1-5.2.9-3.6 1.1-.7.4.3 1 1.1 1.7.5 1.1-1.3-1-3.1v-1.6l3.1-4.6 1.2-1.3 2 .5 2.6-1.8 3.1-3.4 2.4-4.1.2-5.6.5-4.8v-4.9l-1.1-3 .9-1.3.8-.7 4.3 19.3 4.3-.8 11.2-1.3z">   </path>   <path id="WY" d="M353 161.9l-1.5 25.4-4.4 44-2.7-.3-83.3-9.1-27.9-3 2-12 6.9-41 3.8-24.2 1.3-11.2 48.2 7 59.1 6.5z">   </path>   <g id="DC">     <path id="DC1" d="M801.8 253.8l-1.1-1.6-1-.8 1.1-1.6 2.2 1.5z"/>     <circle id="DC2" stroke-width="1.5" cx="801.3" cy="251.8" r="5" opacity="1"/> <!-- Set opacity to "0" to hide DC circle -->   </g> </g> <path id="frames" fill="none" stroke="#A9A9A9" stroke-width="2" d="M215 493v55l36 45M0 425h147l68 68h85l54 54v46"/> </svg>

  • Thanks Lorenzo. I tried using the above suggested but same results. 

    readtextfromfile function asks for two parameters, I tried passing another boolean param both values but no luck


  • The component does not read the document but expect a text as svg map parameter, so if you want to use a document you should import in your environment the Text File Utilities plugin and pass as parameter

    svgMap: readtextfromfile(cons!TVM_USA_LABEL_BOXES)