The possibility to highlight business KPIs with colors on tailored custom maps and to drill down into details from that is a common need in several sectors such as:
Leveraging an SVG integration, we provide a way to customer to use their own svg maps into Appian SAIL.
Key Features & Functionality
The interactiveSvgMapComponent allows customers to:
Hi Lorenzo Alegnani , I am trying to understand if this plugin can be used to show SVG inline in a grid.
I created a fake grid with columnsLayout and columnLayout, and inserted the following SVG:
<svg width='45px' height='45px' viewBox='0 0 15 15' fill='none' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'> <path d='M0 7.49996C0 3.52583 3.09098 0.27365 7 0.0163574V4.0354C5.30385 4.27801 4 5.73672 4 7.49996C4 9.43295 5.567 11 7.5 11C8.28618 11 9.01181 10.7407 9.5961 10.3031L12.438 13.1451C11.1188 14.3 9.39113 15 7.5 15C3.35786 15 0 11.6421 0 7.49996Z' fill='#000000'/> <path d='M13.1451 12.438C14.3001 11.1187 15 9.39107 15 7.49996C15 6.46644 14.7909 5.48175 14.4128 4.58586L10.7552 6.21147C10.9132 6.61024 11 7.04496 11 7.49996C11 8.28611 10.7408 9.01174 10.3032 9.59602L13.1451 12.438Z' fill='#000000'/> <path d='M8 4.0354V0.0163574C10.5416 0.183645 12.7373 1.61699 13.9626 3.69166L10.2541 5.33986C9.71063 4.64791 8.91203 4.16585 8 4.0354Z' fill='#000000'/> </svg>
In the interface, it seems that to the right of the viewbox there is some whitespace that I'm not sure if it can be removed:
Here you can see the viewbox as 0, 0, 10, 10. It doesn't seem to me like a problem with viewbox
Have you tried to play with the column width attribute of the column layout component ?