Interactive SVG Map Component


The possibility to highlight business KPIs with colors on tailored custom maps and to drill down into details from that is a common need in several sectors such as:

  • Retail for stores
  • Public Sector for geographical area
  • Logistic for warehouses
  • Office Space design/allocation
  • and many others

Leveraging an SVG integration, we provide a way to customer to use their own svg maps into Appian SAIL.

Key Features & Functionality

The interactiveSvgMapComponent allows customers to:

  • Provide a custom SVG map image
  • Specify a list of areas as a parameter for which a different color (standard Appian colors or hex code) can be applied, show a custom tooltip, decide the best way to highlight the area on mouse hover, and optionally allow a click event on the area itself
  • Zoom in and out on the map using the mouse, buttons, or icons
  • Pan the map within the component area
  • Use Appian document generation template format to populate a text field in the map image with Appian values
  • As a result, the component will return the index of the selected area (across the ones specified as a parameter), which can be used in SAIL to show the details data related to that area
  • By leveraging the Rich Text Editor image upload connected system, it is also possible to convert the resulting map into a PNG image document for reporting purposes or for use in SAIL interfaces for read-only users.
  • Hi, I'm trying to use this plugin but I am having some problems. I write this code

        label: "SVG Label test", 
        labelPosition: "ABOVE", 
        instructions: "instructions", 
        helpTooltip: "tooltip", 
        required: false, 
        disabled: false, 
        validations: {}, 
        height: "TALL", 
        showWhen: true, 
        mapSvg: cons!SVG_TEST, 
        mapAreaParameters: {
          id: "circlex",
          caption: "caption test",
          color: "ACCENT"
        hoverEffect: "OUTLINE", 
        selectedIndex: {local!selectedIndex}

    I can see the image, but I cannot interact with it.

    I'm using a simple svg image:

    <svg width="100" height="100">
       <circle id="circlex" cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="green" stroke-width="4" fill="yellow" />

    In any case, what I would like to do is change the color of the elements based on some inputs.

    Thank you

  • Hi, I'm trying to use this plugin but I am having some problems. I write this code

        label: "SVG Label test", 
        labelPosition: "ABOVE", 
        instructions: "instructions", 
        helpTooltip: "tooltip", 
        required: false, 
        disabled: false, 
        validations: {}, 
        height: "TALL", 
        showWhen: true, 
        mapSvg: cons!SVG_TEST, 
        mapAreaParameters: {
          id: "circlex",
          caption: "caption test",
          color: "ACCENT"
        hoverEffect: "OUTLINE", 
        selectedIndex: {local!selectedIndex}

    I can see the image, but I cannot interact with it.

    I'm using a simple svg image:

    <svg width="100" height="100">
       <circle id="circlex" cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="green" stroke-width="4" fill="yellow" />

    In any case, what I would like to do is change the color of the elements based on some inputs.

    Thank you

  • Thanks Antonio for your spot , I think  I understood where your issue is

    by design  mapAreaParameters is a JSON list of parameters (as per  help in designer) but in your code it is  single dictionary object.

    Lines from 12 to 16 may be modified as follow

    mapAreaParameters: a!tojson(
              id: "circlex",
              caption: "caption test",
              color: "ACCENT",

    Note that even you are having only one parameter  you need to to pass  a list of dictionary to a!toJson to get the json list of parameters..

    We may consider in future version to remove the need of forcing a list when there is just one parameter but if you stick to above your SVG sample should work properly