
Generate and validate JSON web tokens for use in integrating and authenticating with external systems, using a JWKS registry to get public keys for token signature validation. The create token functions support encrypted private keys in either the PKCS#1 or PCKS#8 standard.

Key Features & Functionality

  • createtoken (Function) - create a signed JSON web token with standard claims.
  • createtokenwithcustomclaims (Function) - create a signed JSON web token with standard claims and additional custom claims that may be required for authentication with specific systems.
  • validatejwtsignature (Function) - Verify a received token against the issuing system's public key. Supports tokens encrypted with the RSA256 and RSA512 algorithm. Returns true if token was verified.
  • decodeJWT (Function) - Given a JWKS registry URL and a token, retrieve the proper public key and validate the given token returning an string with the decoded token if signature is valid, null otherwise
  • createDocuSignRSAJWTToken (Function) - Generates a JWT that conforms to the specs of DocuSign.
  • Hello, 

    I'm trying to function "createtoken" of this plugin but I've an issue in creating the token.

    I have a private key like this

    -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----


    -----END PRIVATE KEY-----

    I have added the key in third party credentials but the I receive the error: "Appian JWTTools failed to read private key"

    I tried to remove newlines but the error is the same.

    Any suggestions?


  • Hello  Was your issue resolved, i am facing the same error after the plugin deployed. Can you please provide the value that you have configured in admin console thirdparty to get the connection success?

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