Microsoft PowerBI (Password Grant)


Leverage PowerBI in Appian! Create and easily embed coherent, visually immersive, and interactive insights and enterprise-grade, real-time analytics. The two PowerBI plug-ins on the AppMarket deliver both a Connected System to easily access some of the most commonly used APIs, as well as Components to PowerBI’s embedded Dashboards, Tiles, Reports, Report Builder and QnA component.

This version of the PowerBI Connected System uses OAuth 2.0 Password Grant to authenticate users. Microsoft permissions are not honored in this case. So once authenticated with a specific user role (admin for example), then all embedded reports inherit that user's permissions.

Note: These plug-ins are deployed separately. You can use the Connected System plug-in by itself, but if you want to use the Component plug-in, the Connected System must be deployed and configured.

Pre-requisites: A Microsoft PowerBI subscription or trial

Key Features & Functionality

  • Export Report: Export powerbi Report
  • Get Export Status: Gets the status of the exported report
  • Download Report: Downloads the report file as an Appian document into an Appian folder
  • GetAllGroups: Returns all PowerBI user groups the current user is a part of in their PowerBI organization
  • GetDatasets: Returns all datasets
  • GetAllTilesFromDashboard: Returns all tiles in a Dashboard
  • GetReports: Returns all reports
  • GetDashboards: Returns all dashboards

Note: This Connected System will not work with the Microsoft PowerBI Component Plugin 1.1.1 or 1.1.2. Upgrade Component Plugin to 1.1.3

  • Hi

    I am getting 401 - Unauthorized while querying GET ALL GROUPS Operation post using the Microsoft PowerBI (App Owns Data) type Connected System.

    While testing the connection - We are getting Test Successful.

    Any suggestion what might be going wring here?



  • Hi

    I am getting 401 - Unauthorized while querying GET ALL GROUPS Operation post using the Microsoft PowerBI (App Owns Data) type Connected System.

    While testing the connection - We are getting Test Successful.

    Any suggestion what might be going wring here?



No Data