PDF Tools


Contains multiple Smart Services and Functions for interacting with PDF Documents.

Key Features & Functionality

Smart Services:

  • Merge PDF - Merges multiple PDF documents into a single document.
  • Extract PDF Pages - Extracts a range of pages from an existing PDF into a new PDF.
  • Fill PDF - Populates the fields of a PDF Form and optionally flattens it disallow further changes.
  • Create PDF Content - Allows text to be added to a PDF with control over the style, position, and angle. An existing PDF can be updated or a new one created from scratch.
  • Convert PDF to Image - Creates an array of images or a multi-page tiff from a PDF.
  • Compress PDF - Compresses the images in the PDF to make it smaller.
  • Un-protect and Copy PDF - Using the document password, create an un-protected copy of a protected PDF.
  • Convert Image to PDF - Creates a PDF starting from one or many images. It also supports multi-page tiff images.
  • Encrypt PDF - Encrypts an existing PDF with a password.


  • Get PDF Metadata - Retrieves metadata on the PDF: page count, title, author, security, encryption, etc.
  • Get PDF Text - Retrieves the text content from a PDF.
  • Get PDF Form Fields - Retrieves the populated form field values of an unflattened PDF.
  • Get PDF Signature Fields - Retrieves the populated signature field values of an unflattened PDF.
  • Get PDF Bookmarks - Retrieves the list of bookmarks and associated page number in the PDF

  • Hello,

    We attempted to use the Convert Image to PDF smart service, but received the error below. After further investigation, it appears that ImageIO does not support the conversion of CMYK-encoded images. Is there a plan to enable this functionality? If not, are there ways that we can restrict Appian file uploads to exclude CMYK images?

    ERROR com.appiancorp.ps.pdftools.ConvertImageToPDF - Error converting image to PDF
    java.io.IOException: Image file format not supported by ImageIO

  • Hello team! Is there any chance that we could somehow partially flatten some PDF fields?

  • v2.5.2 Release Notes
    • Upgraded bcprov-jdk15to18 library
  • v2.5.1 Release Notes
    • We fixed a bug with 'fill pdf' smart service which caused issues in dealing with image files other than jpeg.

  • Out of curiosity, is there any plan to fix this particularly problematic error in the PDF Tools official documentation?  I just downloaded a fresh copy to see if the error was still there compared to the copy I last downloaded ~4 years ago, but it's still the same.

  • Hi, Convert Image to PDF - Does any one know the list of  image type it support? we tested with JPG,PNG,TIFF are working fine. It does not support iphone picture format HEIC. So i like to know limitation on the type.

  • Has anyone had any luck with the PDF to Image when there is an image and text?  Trying to make an image from a PDF with an image and text but only pulling the image out of the PDF.

  • to me more dangerous than helpful. I my personal opinion an alert should be created in a prod environment if a node fails and this is done the best way with an error message and a failed node in a process model instance. If it runs to smooth there is a high chance you miss this behavior, that something was not like it supposed to be. So its in general not the worst way to do it, but i get where are you coming from, I see here rather an issue why there are many cvorrupted PDF files ;) 

  • Hi,

    Sometimes a tif image to pdf conversion fails to produce a pdf. Instead a blank pdf is produced or even more rarely a pdf is produced containing only part of the tif image.

    The smart service does not produce any error output and shows as a success status of True.

    Using v2.5.0 PDF Tools  smart service Convert Image to PDF (pdftools.ConvertImageToPDFWithDpiInput) on Appian 23.4

    The images can be opened in paint (for example) and successfully and completely printed using the Microsoft print to pdf printer.

    Is there anyway to diagnose the issue further (logs, etc)? 


  • To clarify, Allen and I are experiencing this issue in the "Fill PDF" process node.