Rich Text Editor Component


Starting in 24.2, the Styled Text Editor Component is available directly in the product. Consider using this in place of the plug-in moving forward.

For more information, review:

Displays a field that allows for users to type text and format it with a variety of style options. Output is saved as HTML. To get the raw character output, designers can use the Appian function fn!stripHtml() on the output.
HTML output can be passed into Send E-Mail node or document generation smart services. Note that not all formats supported by the Rich Text Editor component may be supported by e-mail or document generation.
Allows uploading of images which get stored in the specified Appian folder (requires separate install of the Rich Text Editor Connected System Plugin from

Visit for more information.

Key Features & Functionality

  • Component: fn!richTextField()
  • Allows for size validation
  • Allows for adjustable height
  • Allows for read-only / editable view
  • Supported font formats: "header", "size", "bold", "italic", "underline", "strike", "color", "background", "link", "align", "indent", "list"
  • Designer control over the allowed formats

Supported Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari
Supported on Mobile

  • Please open a ticket with Appian Support as that should not be happening with that file

  • Hi, how can I deploy this plugin to a on prem environment? I followed the steps on this link  Rich Text Editor Component Troubleshooting Guide 

    But after moving the .zip file to the plugins folder I'm getting below issue.

    2023-12-15 19:02:47,704 [Appian Plugin Hot Deploy] ERROR com.appiancorp.plugins.LoggingPluginEventListener - Failed to load Component Plug-in '': Could not parse zip file - make sure it is formatted properly

  • v1.12.1 Release Notes
    • Fixed the insertable items issue

  • Hello, we're encountering odd behavior when pasting text into the richTextFieldWithTables component.

    If multiple lines of text (separated by line breaks) are pasted into an area with formatting enabled such as bold or italics, the text is inserted in reverse order. I've attached a video demonstrating this.

    We're able to work around this by using the "Remove Font Style" button before pasting, but we're hoping other workarounds exist or a more permanent solution can be implemented. For reference, we're using plug-in version 1.12.0 on Appian 23.3.

    Thank you!

  • v1.12.0 Release Notes
    • New output parameter called `uploadedImages` which outputs metadata about the images uploaded during the user's session.

  • Thanks for the v1.11.3 update. That resolved our 508 issue

  • Which kind of formats does not supports by this editor?

  • V1.11.3 Release Notes
    1. Updated to improve accessibility.
    2. Set aria-expanded="false" as the default for buttons that expand to a menu.
    3. Set aria-label="formatting options" on the toolbar to announce the purpose of the toolbar for screen readers.
    4. Removed aria-hidden="true" from the close button on the link dialog to comply with the Fourth Rule of ARIA Use (
    5. Updated the keyboard focus indicator on the color palette menu to increase the color contrast.

  • Our 508 team found that JAWS does not announce the label for this component correctly. Our label was "Message" and the 508 team expected JAWS to announce it as "Message edit contain text type in text". Instead, JAWS announced it as "Edit contain text type in text"

    It seems like the label itself is missing from what JAWS reads

  • There's no limit, you can set it as high as you want. Just be careful to not set it too high if you're saving the data to process variables or the database.

    The plugin just renders HTML and strips out non-supported formatting. You will have to write rules to convert stuff or remove blank boxes before sending it to the plugin.

    There might be other plugins that meet your needs, you can search around, I'm not sure.