Text and Array Helper


The Text and Array Helper Function Plugin consists of 5 text functions and 1 array function.

Key Features & Functionality

  1. endswith() - Checks whether the string ends with the specified search text. Returns false if the text does not end with the search text.
  2. startswith() - Checks whether the string starts with the specified search text. Returns false if the text does not start with the search text.
  3. equalsignorecase() - Compares two given text strings in a case-insensitive manner, returning true if they are same.
  4. swapcase() - Converts all characters in the text where each uppercase letter is converted to lowercase and each lowercase letter is converted to uppercase.
  5. lastindexof() - Returns the last index of the search text present in the within text.
  6. sortnumberarray() - Sorts the given number array either ascending or descending order