Hi, we are having difficulty in accessing process backed records. We have a proc

Hi, we are having difficulty in accessing process backed records. We have a process on which we constructed process backed records. Only a certain group has Viewer rights to the process model. After a process is started new people will be added to the security role map using “Modify Process Security” smart service as Viewers. The problem is only users of the group which is defined in process model role map are able to access records from tempo. The following error is thrown when trying to access records with any user account that is added as a viewer during the lifecycle of the process. We have no issues with the portal process report simulating the same tempo records. Entries are properly being added to the portal report based on the logged in user.
Error: Could Not Retrieve InProcess Invoices
The source of the data for “RRT_InProcess Invoices” cannot be accessed. (APNX-1-4205-001)....



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  • Modify Process Security can only modify security of that one process instance not the process model. And also to add new people to group, you have to use smart service related to groups. So, some thing is missing in the problem description.
  • @venkats533 We are adding security to instance through "Modify Process Security". And all the users who participated in the process are properly being added in the role map and it is also verified by monitoring the instance. Though the users are present in role map, they are unable to access the process-backed records. What could be the reason for this?
  • does these same groups are given permission to the records ? user should have permission to both the process and the record to see the record
  • yes, all the application users were given access to records, but only the participants of the process were given security.
  • that does not explain, I had also used "Modify Process Security" in my model and has process backed records on that process. But did not have any issues. Users that are owners of that specific process instance has permission to view the record and other does not have permission to the process. As you said all users have access to the records. Need more debugging, and can not be answered in a simple Q & A.
  • Users must have at least viewer access to the model that the record is based on. Instance security is not enough. If granting that access is an issue because too many people will have access to the action, create a higher level model that they do not have access to that calls your model as a subprocess and use that as an action, but keep the record based on the original model. Also keep in the process instance security so that people only see the records they should. Hope that helps
  • Thanks Christine, the workaround suggested by you solves our problem. But we wonder why this scenario doesn’t work for process backed records but is fine with portal process report? There should be some architectural differences between process backed records and portal process reports. We came to this conclusion after verifying that a same process instance can be accessed from portal process report but not from process backed records in both cases using the same user account. We were trying to allow access to process records only to users who have access to those instances in the manner a user will have access to only a particular set of records based on the instance security. We were not able to achieve this conditional access to records, as Appian forces us to mention all users as Viewers on process model which allows initiation access to all unwanted users!