Get Last ID, Insert Into Other Table

I want to do this

get value from multiple select as newRefs;

insert into table1 ('name') values ('pete');


for each (currentRef in newRef) {

     insert into lookupTable1 (userId,ref) values (newUserId,currentRef);


Actually there is a quicker way to do this with MySQL/MariaDB as noted here

What do I need to do this?
Do I use Data Store Entities, Record Types, etc.?
I can't be the first one that want to do something like this.

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    I am not sure I understand what you try to do. Can you add a bit more details please. What did you try in Appian?

  • Sure.
    I have a multi select drop down, where the value of each drop down is the primary key of a table.

    As well, I have a 'New Item' form which contains various inputs/controls.

    I need to have Appian first create the new item, then get the primary key of the record that was just inserted and finally I need to add to a lookup table the primary key of the new record and the values from the multi-select dropdown.

    That is part 1 adding new items.

    Part 2 is similar, but it's for editing items with the possibility of the selected values in the multi-select changing when updates occur.

    I know how to do all of this in a tradition programming environment (C#, Java, etc.) which only takes me about 30 minutes to do.

    Maybe in Appian I need to setup a MySQL/MariaDB Function/Stored Procedure?

  • Sure.
    I have a multi select drop down, where the value of each drop down is the primary key of a table.

    As well, I have a 'New Item' form which contains various inputs/controls.

    I need to have Appian first create the new item, then get the primary key of the record that was just inserted and finally I need to add to a lookup table the primary key of the new record and the values from the multi-select dropdown.

    That is part 1 adding new items.

    Part 2 is similar, but it's for editing items with the possibility of the selected values in the multi-select changing when updates occur.

    I know how to do all of this in a tradition programming environment (C#, Java, etc.) which only takes me about 30 minutes to do.

    Maybe in Appian I need to setup a MySQL/MariaDB Function/Stored Procedure?
