I have an error in Image colums when enter the following expression according to instructions in the part5 Dsign Record Types:if(a!isNullOrEmpty(fv!row[recordType!AX Vehicle.fields.image]), a!EXAMPLE_DOCUMENT_IMAGE(), fv!row[recordType!AX Vehicle.fields.image])
Error message:Error Evaluating UI ExpressionExpression evaluation error at function a!gridField_23r3 [line 51]: A grid component [label="null"] has an invalid value for "columns". A grid column [label="Image"] has encountered an error. Expression evaluation error at function a!imageField [line 55]: User Does Not Have Rights to Perform this Operation
I have completed the exercises in the security part 3 of the Acme Auto application correctly.
How can I fix this?appreciate all the help I can get. Thank You!
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manuel.a12 Thanks for letting us know about the error. After review, it looks like our base template for the AS_Vehicle table contained an extra row in error. This row contains an identifier for an image that your user does not have access to. While we determine an appropriate fix for all users, you can avoid the error by configuring your expression to avoid referencing the image field. In this instance, all vehicles will only display the default example image. Note: You will come across a similar scenario in Exercise 8 later in the learning path.
edit: updated image for better readability
I have the encountered the same problem (note also that the "Acme Auto Solution Application" listed under point 1 of the Troubleshooting resources has the same error). However, the above suggested solution causes a further error:´
Error Evaluating UI Expression
Expression evaluation error at function a!gridField_23r3 [line 51]: A grid component [label="null"] has an invalid value for "columns". A grid column [label="Image"] has encountered an error. Expression evaluation error at function a!documentImage [line 53]: Could not cast from GridFieldColumn to Document. Details: CastInvalidCould not cast from GridFieldColumn to Document. Details: CastInvalid
I updated the image in the above post for better readability. Make sure you are including the () at the end of a!EXAMPLE_DOCUMENT_IMAGE
Thank you for replying!I want to try it but can't see Acme Excise file in "Create an Application" Course now.Does anyone know where it is?
The exercises are intended to be completed after completing the relevant course. You will find the `Build an Application: Step 5` exercise in the Design Record Types course in the learning path.
The previous `23.4 Classic` exercises have been deprecated with the launch of the new Appian Community Edition. The steps are mostly the same - but are designed to support the new version of Appian Community Edition.
I am also seeing the same error. I have tried the above example:
a!gridColumn( label:"Image", value:a!imageField(images:a!documentImage(document:a!EXAMPLE_DOCUMENT_IMAGE()),size:"SMALL", //tried with and without this comma ),align: "CENTER")
and receive this error:
The recent changes made to the modules have meant that I needed to restart my training to ensure I have access to all required objects. A little frustrating and time consuming.
Can you insert the code to understands the issue.
carag2628 said: //tried with and without this comma
If this is in the code please remove and try.
No that wasn't in the code, the example provided in the example has a comma on this line. I tried the code both with and without this comma, to try to troubleshoot, but neither option worked.
Your code looks good for image field no issue in that
Do you know why I would be receiving the error?
Can you share the error screenshot.
What is the gridfield data. if possible can you insert the entire gridField code.
JayaPrakash Ravipati said: if possible can you insert the entire gridField code.
Need to see total grid code , there is chance you might missed a comma....
Sorry, what do you mean by entire gridField code?
I'm not sure what you are asking for.
I think your code doesn't have any errors , it's just for some reason appian not reading the example Document. Try using other document and see you are still getting the error.
carag2628 said:Sorry, what do you mean by entire gridField code?
entire code of grid
Hi carag2628 !
The example expression above is showing what the complete expression would look like for this grid column. However in your case, you are already configuring the gridColumn and have already chosen to display an image > document image. The last step is to select which document you want to display.
In the screenshot you shared, you are showing an expression box that is looking for "The document to display as an image". In this case simply delete everything and leave the a!EXAMPLE_DOCUMENT_IMAGE() function.
Hope this helps!