Excel Plugin Deployment Error


I'm getting error below when deploying the plugin. Kindly, please shed some light on the issue that we're facing.

ERROR com.appiancorp.plugins.LoggingPluginEventListener - Failed to enable Plug-in 'com.appiancorp.ps.exceltools' (com.appiancorp.ps.exceltools) version 2.0.2: 'Could not create types for [class com.appiancorp.ps.exceltools.datatype.ExportableDataSubset]. Cause: An error occurred while trying to save the type information to the Appian data source. No types have been imported. Cause: Type definitions could not be found in the Appian data source for the following type ids: 110 (APNX-1-4166-003)


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  • 2018-08-17 15:54:45,130 GMT INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) at com.appiancorp.type.model.DatatypeModelUriHandler.createInputStream(DatatypeModelUriHandler.java:28)
    2018-08-17 15:54:45,130 GMT INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) at com.appiancorp.type.model.IdBasedUriHandler.createInputStream(IdBasedUriHandler.java:47)
    2018-08-17 15:54:45,130 GMT INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ExtensibleURIConverterImpl.createInputStream(ExtensibleURIConverterImpl.java:301)
    2018-08-17 15:54:45,130 GMT INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceImpl.load(ResourceImpl.java:1254)
    2018-08-17 15:54:45,130 GMT INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) at com.appiancorp.type.model.DatatypeModelRepositoryImpl.getDatatypesAndReferences(DatatypeModelRepositoryImpl.java:827)
    2018-08-17 15:54:45,130 GMT INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) at com.appiancorp.type.model.DatatypeModelRepositoryImpl.getDatatypesAndReferences(DatatypeModelRepositoryImpl.java:761)
    2018-08-17 15:54:45,130 GMT INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) at com.appiancorp.type.model.DatatypeModelRepositoryImpl.createDatatypes(DatatypeModelRepositoryImpl.java:270)
    2018-08-17 15:54:45,130 GMT INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) at com.appiancorp.type.config.xsd.EcoreModelPersister.saveEcoreModels(EcoreModelPersister.java:142)
    2018-08-17 15:54:45,130 GMT INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) ... 27 more
    2018-08-17 15:54:45,132 GMT INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) 2018-08-17 15:54:45,132 [Appian Plugin Hot Deploy] ERROR com.appiancorp.plugins.LoggingPluginEventListener - Failed to enable Plug-in 'com.appiancorp.ps.exceltools' (com.appiancorp.ps.exceltools) version 2.0.2: 'Could not create types for [class com.appiancorp.ps.exceltools.datatype.ExportableDataSubset]. Cause: An error occurred while trying to save the type information to the Appian data source. No types have been imported. Cause: Type definitions could not be found in the Appian data source for the following type ids: 110 (APNX-1-4166-003)'
  • Hello Oliver what is above that? Can you attach ? The log file?
  • That was the rest of the relevant logs. Apologies, I will not be able to attach the log file. But I did find something interesting, it looks like the CDT below is not getting deleted. When I try to delete it, it gets deleted and no longer there, but after restarting the environment after deletion it appears again.

    Namespace: urn:appian:plugin:datasubsetdownload:types
    Name: ExportableDataSubset
  • That means the plugin deployed it or for some reason held. The plugin when removed from the folder is not fully removed from Appian. Appian keeps track of all the deployed plugins.

    What do you have in your admin console with the plugin?

    BTW which version of java you have? Is that consistent between environments?
  • That CDT was generated by a different plugin. I know this because the namespace for the Excel plugin is urn:com:appian:ps:excel:types and the namespace of the one I'm trying to delete are different. Is it possible to directly delete it from the table?

    Java Version is "1.8.0_172" and yes, it's consistent between environments.
  • On second thought, could that even be the issue since anyways the namespace are different.
  • Not sure why you have two plugins with the same object. “Ideally” having different namespaces makes them different even if they have the same name.

    At this point it would be a good idea to start a support ticket.