Excel Plugin Deployment Error


I'm getting error below when deploying the plugin. Kindly, please shed some light on the issue that we're facing.

ERROR com.appiancorp.plugins.LoggingPluginEventListener - Failed to enable Plug-in 'com.appiancorp.ps.exceltools' (com.appiancorp.ps.exceltools) version 2.0.2: 'Could not create types for [class com.appiancorp.ps.exceltools.datatype.ExportableDataSubset]. Cause: An error occurred while trying to save the type information to the Appian data source. No types have been imported. Cause: Type definitions could not be found in the Appian data source for the following type ids: 110 (APNX-1-4166-003)


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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    It may be due to Appian DS cannot find the type mentioned 110 due to change in DS. Try to check the version support for plugin and if you are on cloud you can seek restart of appian engines and removal of deprecated plugins installed in admin
  • The plugin is said to be supported from 7.10 to 18.2. We also removed the deprecated plugin and associated CDT before deploying the current plugin.
  • Hello Oliver

    This is really interesting because that class is part of the plugin.
    Do you have any other exception in the log file above that one that you shared?

    Does this plugin deployed correctly in any environment ?
    By any chance you imported the CDT as you mentioned in the other post?

  • We've been able to deploy the new plugin to another environment succesfully, but that particular environment did not have the deprecated plugin. This was the first time we deployed the plugin in an environment where we had to replace the existing plugin.

    We just did a full restart on the environment, hopefully it fixes it. If not, I'll post the logs.

  • 2018-08-17 15:54:45,130 GMT INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) at com.appiancorp.type.model.DatatypeModelUriHandler.createInputStream(DatatypeModelUriHandler.java:28)
    2018-08-17 15:54:45,130 GMT INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) at com.appiancorp.type.model.IdBasedUriHandler.createInputStream(IdBasedUriHandler.java:47)
    2018-08-17 15:54:45,130 GMT INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ExtensibleURIConverterImpl.createInputStream(ExtensibleURIConverterImpl.java:301)
    2018-08-17 15:54:45,130 GMT INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceImpl.load(ResourceImpl.java:1254)
    2018-08-17 15:54:45,130 GMT INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) at com.appiancorp.type.model.DatatypeModelRepositoryImpl.getDatatypesAndReferences(DatatypeModelRepositoryImpl.java:827)
    2018-08-17 15:54:45,130 GMT INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) at com.appiancorp.type.model.DatatypeModelRepositoryImpl.getDatatypesAndReferences(DatatypeModelRepositoryImpl.java:761)
    2018-08-17 15:54:45,130 GMT INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) at com.appiancorp.type.model.DatatypeModelRepositoryImpl.createDatatypes(DatatypeModelRepositoryImpl.java:270)
    2018-08-17 15:54:45,130 GMT INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) at com.appiancorp.type.config.xsd.EcoreModelPersister.saveEcoreModels(EcoreModelPersister.java:142)
    2018-08-17 15:54:45,130 GMT INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) ... 27 more
    2018-08-17 15:54:45,132 GMT INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) 2018-08-17 15:54:45,132 [Appian Plugin Hot Deploy] ERROR com.appiancorp.plugins.LoggingPluginEventListener - Failed to enable Plug-in 'com.appiancorp.ps.exceltools' (com.appiancorp.ps.exceltools) version 2.0.2: 'Could not create types for [class com.appiancorp.ps.exceltools.datatype.ExportableDataSubset]. Cause: An error occurred while trying to save the type information to the Appian data source. No types have been imported. Cause: Type definitions could not be found in the Appian data source for the following type ids: 110 (APNX-1-4166-003)'
  • Hello Oliver what is above that? Can you attach ? The log file?
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