What would be the best solution for displaying the data by reading the data from uploaded excel from an Interface?
Use Case:
1) Upload the Excel in the Interface.
2) Read the data from the excel.(multiple Sheets - Each sheet will not have more than 10 to 20 rows)
3) Show the data in the Interface (Each sheet will be related as one to many relationship)
Note: Sheet1 will have parent table data and other sheets will have child table data
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This is a very common use case. You can use the Excel Tools plugin to achieve this. Find it here - community.appian.com/.../excel-tools
So Can we access the data within the excel in the interface , after the upload or do we need to pass the excel to process model. and get back the data from the process model?
and if we want to have validation on the data of the excel, what would be the best approach here?
I personally think the simplest way for that would be to gather the data from excel, then run script tasks on the data as a process variable.
You also need to consider what to do if it fails validation. Would you want to present users with an opportunity to download it again?
Once you upload the excel sheet, you need to pass the document id to Process model so that excel smart service extract the data from it. Once you have the data you can run the validation in appian using a script task (do it only if the dataset is very small ) or do the operation in DB using a Stored proc if the data set is too large.
Very small? any definite value