What would be the best solution for displaying the data by reading the data from uploaded excel from an Interface?
Use Case:
1) Upload the Excel in the Interface.
2) Read the data from the excel.(multiple Sheets - Each sheet will not have more than 10 to 20 rows)
3) Show the data in the Interface (Each sheet will be related as one to many relationship)
Note: Sheet1 will have parent table data and other sheets will have child table data
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This is a very common use case. You can use the Excel Tools plugin to achieve this. Find it here - community.appian.com/.../excel-tools
and if we want to have validation on the data of the excel, what would be the best approach here?
I personally think the simplest way for that would be to gather the data from excel, then run script tasks on the data as a process variable.
You also need to consider what to do if it fails validation. Would you want to present users with an opportunity to download it again?