Does anyone know if Records/Shared Components - Process Management Services plug

Does anyone know if Records/Shared Components - Process Management Services plugin works fine in v7.6 and v7.10 ? Anyone have suggestions for a later or updated version of this? This plugin was last updated 07 Jul 2011 and only tested on v6...



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  • @markw Hi, we used it on 7.9 and 7.10, and there were no issues at all. The plugin is working fine which is confirmed by testing.

    But we observed one conflict in our environment in terms of deployment and usability later- Initially we had 'Process Upgrade'(at plugin in our environment. After the deployment of the Process Management Services, Pause and Resume Process Smart services stopped working in both of the plugins. We were reported by Appian Cloud Support team that both plugins might have shared same java files(I guess the prime cause could be because of the usage of the same value for the plugin key of smart services from both plugins) for the Pause and Resume functionalities and we were asked to modify the plugins accordingly if needed or remove the Process Upgrade plugin from the environment in order to make Process Management plugin usable.
  • Ok thanks! Upon closer inspection, it looks like I need to create a process to delete a different process, it would make sense that I cannot delete the same process I am currently running. I would like to display a report showing all processes for a any given user or for the logged-in user, and have a button or link within the report row to delete that process. Report data link types do not appear to have this ability, any ideas?
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    How about the startprocesswriter plugin?
  • @markw Are you trying to achieve this functionality in SAIL interface? If so, yes, you are right. This isn't available OOTB. But by making use of Shared Component 'Start Process Writer' at So you should be implementing a functionality which looks like follows:
    1. Design a process model which pauses/cancels/resumes/deletes process(es) by making use of Process Management Services. Basic inputs to this process model could be probably process ids and the action (pause/resume etc.) chosen by user.
    2. The report you are intended to create, to allow users to take action should be able to gather data by querying analytics and thereby collect a set of process ids chosen by user and the action(pause/cancel etc.) intended to take and trigger the process model created in Step - 1 by making use of Start Process Writer plugin.
  • Seems like this should be available OOTB. I fully implemented Step 1, and have a non-SAIL form for user to manually input ID, at least for testing. Sounds like you are suggesting I put links in the report to start the Step 1 process to take the desired action via launching a process, good idea. Thus, perhaps the report can have one column per action, since I presume a drop-down text box cannot be embeded in a report?
  • @markw May I please know if you are trying to work on a portal or SAIL report?
  • @markw As already said, the suggestions given by me or @jims holds good when you are working in areas where SAIL interface can be made use of.