Hi all,
I have hundreds of process instance with error, I just want to terminate this process bulk. I need the instance to be archived, so I don't want to delete or cancel the process. How can I terminate the process instance with error bulk? Kindly share your knowledge thanks in advance.
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Whether a process is deleted or archived is defined in the process model data management.
You can create a process report based on the template "Processes with Problems" to get affected processes.
One method I use for similar situations, needing to start the same node in hundreds of processes, is by utilizing the Start All Nodes service of the Process Management Services plugin. You can create a process report that filters to the processes you would like to end, use a!queryProcessAnalytics() to obtain and pass these process IDs to the service along with the terminating end node UUID (obtained in /design via Tools -> Generate Documentation). One call to the service can handle multiple processes and nodes (if required).
Thanks Stefan for your input.
AFAIK if you mass cancel them they'll still archive instead of getting deleted. I'm not clear if there's much of a difference at the end of the day between whether a process is cancelled versus terminated, it might just be something as minor as a different status ID. I guess the other difference is, if there's a parent process you need to continue running (but for your sake I hope the instances that you're wanting to end are the top-level instance).
Thanks @Mike for your response. I completely agree with you, In addition to that while cancelling process we need to check is there any active task. Active task also get cancelled during bulk cancellation. After cancellation task will get archived.
@chris thank for your command.
Hi Stefan Helzle ,
How I can get the process report having process with errors
Where as I can see only passed by exception, active, completed ...etc in the filters in the process report
Could you please let me know how to get a list of process with errors
I mentioned the templates.