I need a report that will work with the =wizardheader(pv!processSteps,pv!currentStep) function.

I need a report that will work with the =wizardheader(pv!processSteps,pv!currentStep) function.

I am hoping we can show active processes and then see the status of where it is.

Right now we have to go into the process dashboard to see the status for each.

Thank You


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  • The wizard header function is part of a plugin so it can't be used in a report. I believe if you place the following expression in the report:


    Assuming that the process variable names for the process steps and the current steps are the same across all of your processes, this expression should give you the name of the step you are on in each.
  • This is what I was thinking would be the result. This is to bad. This would be a great dashboard to have for your processes.
  • I tried this... =if(isnull(pv!currentStep),"None",index(pv!processSteps,pv!currentStep))

    Nothing will display on the report.
    I also realize the index value could be a 0 or even a number greater than the steps in the array. If you have five steps in the array and you want to show the last one completed, you have to make currentStep to be a 6. Then a 6 in the index would not provide a result. How did you over come these items?

  • If you look at the index() function, there is an optional third parameter. This parameter represents a default value to return if the index you put in is not valid for the array you are looking in. You can use this fact, along with a check to see if the current step is 0, to fulfull your use case. The expression would look something like this:

    =if(isnull(pv!currentStep),"None", if(pv!currentStep=0,"Not Started", index(pv!processSteps,pv!currentStep,"Complete")))
  • For what ever reason. I was using a process details per model report. I put the info in it and it would not display. I then went to the report again and copied it from the system area and it now works. This will be useful. However, a better view would be to have the wizardheader work in a report.
    TU for your help
  • Keith, Steps such as report header may take a lot of real-estate in your report. Another option is to have multiple columns in your report, each column representing a step in your process (similar to the steps in a wizard header) and use images to represent if a step is running, complete or failed. This would be a lot flexible and scalale solution on the longer run. (P.S: Be aware of the impact of imagse on your page performance when loading your report).