Expression Editor hangs in Chrome when scrolling past line 96


I've had a couple of occurrences of this error in the last few days. When using Chrome to edit an Expression Rule or an Interface (in Expression View), if I try to scroll down past line 96, the browser hangs and does not recover. I'm not sure why line 96 is so special :)

The same behaviour works in Firefox (and used to work in Chrome).

I'm using Appian 17.1 (cloud) and Chrome Version 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit).

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    It's really strange, because i didn't face any such kind of issues so far. As per my understanding, if the same is working in some other browsers such as Firefox then, you can try uninstalling Chrome and reinstall the same again, i understand that you are using the updated version of chrome but still once try re-installing chrome again.

    I don't think it's an issue of Appian. For an instant, if i assume that we are loading huge amount of data, or invoking any service on load, but still in that case also it will show Waiting... but will never hang which cannot be recovered.

    For better debug of issue, try to open the same interface/expression rule in some other PC other than yours using chrome browser and check are you getting the same issue there too?

    But i feel, it's a browser issue.
  • Thanks for your reply . I think there is a reasonable chance that you are correct about it being a browser issue. I have asked around in my team and nobody else seems to have the same issue (although they are running older versions of Chrome).

    I thought I would raise it here just in case others were having the issue.

    Since I do have a workaround (i.e. use another browser), it's not a critical issue for me.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to mikej117
    What version of chrome are you running? This started happening to me today, I am on 58.0.3029.110.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    I have been having a similar issue but had not pinpointed it to any particular line number - but it was happening over and over for me last week in one particular expression rule (i thought it was just my browser acting up, even though the behavior persisted between restarts).


    EDIT: I just reproduced the behavior on a fresh instance / fresh restart / etc. Except for me it's line 98.

    I opened the "problem rule" I mentioned above, and scrolled down using the mouse & dragging the vertical scroll bar.  Scrolling was smoothe and normal but when Line 98 appears at the bottom of the text area, it stops, the tab freezes, along with all other chrome tabs in that tab group (as determined by the grouping you'll see if you open Chrome's process monitor).

    I waited until the "Pages Unresponsive" crash message appeared, elected to "Kill", re-opened the same rule, removed the entire top comment block (10 or 15 lines), then started scrolling again... and it crashes at line 98 again.

  • Sometimes Expression View stopped responding to keys after some active editing. I found that to make it back to work in this case is switch Chrome to another tab and back.
  • I have begun encountering this exact problem today as well. I am running version 17.1 locally and having the issue with Microsoft Edge 38.14393.1066.0
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    I just had this happen for me when editing the expression for a user filter on a record type. As far as I can see, it seems to have something to do with when the text box switches between having a horizontal scroll bar versus not having one (such as the previous "line 98" examples).