Cast error

Hi All -- I'm stuck trying to get a 3rd CDT to pull into my interface using a query rule that has an input from a local variable... here is the error: 

  local!ResolveIsssuesProcessId: rule!CTM_getAllResolveMonitoringFormIssuesProcessIdsByEventId(ri!monitoringEvent.eventID),
  local!formID: rule!CTM_getMonitoringFormByEventID(ri!monitoringEvent.eventID),
  local!formQuestions: rule!CTM_getFormQuestionDetailsByFormID(local!formID),

These are my local variables and here is the query rule that's throwing the error:

In the interface I am trying to save the local!formQuestions into a CDT as an array....why does it think I want to save it as an integer?? 

Instead of using a query rule to pass into the local!formQuestions I also tried an Expression rule that actually returns all the CTD's data but it is also an array of data which doesn't like being saved into the local, I get the same cast error. 


Thanks for any help!

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  • Hi Sarah,

    It's looks like your passing dictionary insted of id. Try the following code:


    local!ResolveIsssuesProcessId: rule!CTM_getAllResolveMonitoringFormIssuesProcessIdsByEventId(ri!monitoringEvent.eventID),
    local!formID: rule!CTM_getMonitoringFormByEventID(ri!monitoringEvent.eventID).data,
    local!id: tointeger(index(local!formID, "formID",{})),
    local!formQuestions: rule!CTM_getFormQuestionDetailsByFormID(local!id),

    if you have list of id's use a!foreach to retrive all form question s for all id's

    local!ResolveIsssuesProcessId: rule!CTM_getAllResolveMonitoringFormIssuesProcessIdsByEventId(ri!monitoringEvent.eventID),
    local!formID: rule!CTM_getMonitoringFormByEventID(ri!monitoringEvent.eventID).data,
    local!id: tointeger(index(local!formID, "formID",{})),
    local!formQuestions: a!foreach(
    items: local!id,
    expression: rule!CTM_getFormQuestionDetailsByFormID(fv!item)
  • Hi nareshc647 , so actually I may only need the formID to pass into that CDT, since ultimately what I am trying to do is have a unique Identifier in my Delete from Datastore node, but I tried the following and it's not deleting the associated lines from my CMT_FORM_QUESTIONS data entity like I would imagine per this expression:

    This configuration I would expect to take any FormID's with the value passed in from the form, and delete the associated lines from the CTM_FORM_QUESTIONS table, right? Am I missing something else? 

  • 0
    A Score Level 2
    in reply to Sarah K.
    your tring to save only ID into CTM_FORM_QUESTIONS_DSE. Insted of indexing the id use pv!formID process varibel in your identifier.

    {entity: cons!CTM_FORM_QUESTIONS_DSE, identifiers: pv!formID}
  • 0
    A Score Level 2
    in reply to nareshc647
    sorry i wrongly understand your question. Try with this

    { entity: cons!CTM_FORM_QUESTIONS_DSE, Identifiers: index( pv!formID, "formquestionID",{})} to delete appriopriate column in table
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