Question for the group. We are looking to create what we call a "watchers&

Question for the group. We are looking to create what we call a "watchers" process. Example: I have a process that allows a user to generate a work request. This request can be accessed, edited, add notes to it, change status, attach documents, etc. It is basically a work ticket. On many occasions the requestor wants other users to be able to "watch" the progress of this ticket. For example, if a new note is added to the request then have an email generated to everyone that is on the "watchers list" that a new note has been added to work request #34. These watchers can be added at any time to a request by anyone that has privileges. So the criteria we are looking for is as follows:

- All watchers are in the Appian system - so we can use the user field to find and select users
- Anytime a "work request is opened" a user should be able to add a user to the watchers list
- A watchers list is specific to the work request so there ...



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  • an association between the watchers and the request ID (we generate an ID)
    - A watcher can be removed from the list at any time

    Our initial thoughts are a user would click a button in the form that says "add watchers". It would open a sub-process where they simply begin typing in a user field the name of the person they wish to add as a watcher. Once they have the person they click either "add another watcher" button to restart the process or they click "save" when they are done adding the watchers or they click "cancel" to cancel out of the process. We think that you could create a "on the fly" watchers group that is specific to that request and that group be added to an email node that contains the necessary request information.

    Wanted to see if anyone out there had created something like this or has any input.

    Thanks and happy holidays!!
  • my quick comment is how many potential tickets per day (so that many groups per day gets created). How do we remove these groups in timely manner. Too many groups associated to any user will make login time for that user that much longer.
  • I've implemented something like this before and you're on the right approach. My suggestion would be to ensure that "Add Watcher" is a quick task and that no tasks get assigned from executing this action. If a user wants to "Add Another Watcher" just tell them to execute the quick task again, because all it does is add a user a group. Also I wouldn't be too concerned about the number of groups, just ensure that you've uniquely named all these dynamically generated groups.
  • Creating a group is the right way to go. We create a lot of "ticket" specific groups as we need to set permissions very tight. For our procurement process we have a per ticket guest list which has only permission to view the ticket. Either the service manager or a process adds or removes a "guest" from the list. I think removing old unused group can be done in a scheduled process when the group name includes some ID related to the ticket.