I have some esclation timers that I set up on a task. I'm using the escalate

I have some esclation timers that I set up on a task. I'm using the escalate at the date and time specified by this expression. "= workday ( pv!end_date , - 17 , cons!holidays_date )". And I have one for -14, -10, -8 and -6 days. Now the issue I'm having, is that if I go and change the end date, and the end date is at minus 8 for example, I will get all escalations up to the -8.

I tried to make sure that the escalation are only sent, by adding an expression at the bottom (timer conditions, will fire if it's true) which compares "now()" with the "end date minus the number"... (to make sure that today's date is greater or equal to my expression.)

Sometimes it's working and others is not, any suggestion on how I could make it work so that if the end date is changed that I only get the escalation closer to today's date?




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