dropdownFieldByIndex() SAIL component issue on Appian 17.1 Version for large number of items


We are facing issue with dropdownFieldByIndex() SAIL component.

Background:- We are using dropdownFieldByIndex() SAIL component in our Interface rule to display around 2500 items. The interface works perfectly on Appian 16.2 version. The drop-down loads, allow user to select/change the item without any problem.

Problem: Recently, we have upgraded server to Appian 17.1 version. The dropdownFieldByIndex() component is not working for such large items (Around 2500 number of items). Note that, the component is there on the UI screen, however, when user try to select an item, it fails to display a list. The drop-down just blinks and goes away. Tried multiple times on IE & Chrome browsers.

We tried to rectify/resolve the problem by -
1) Provide very less items (around 10-100) to the drop-down component - it works


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  • ... Clear browser cache - It doesn't work
    3) Replace dropdownFieldByIndex() with dropdownField() - It doesn't work

    We understand that, It may be problem of -
    1) Large amount of data passed to the drop-down field - (But this works perfectly on Appian 16.2 Version)
    2) Appian Version 17.1 UI issue - (Since dropdownFieldByIndex() component is not listed as deprecated or removed, it should work similarly)

    Please provide inputs regarding this problem. Thanks.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    @durgeshk As per my understanding, as you have already have mention about, passing large set of data causes performance issue, i agree with your statement.

    Now when we talk about 17.1, we don't know the internal consideration logic behind these component, but we can expect better performance compared to earlier versions. So this might be one of the reason behind not accepting large set of Data for dropdown (which might be taking more time than the expected to be displayed under dropdown)

    However can you please share what error are you getting when you are trying to fetch and populate 2500 items in dropdown (if any)
  • Please note that, other components which are present on the form works fine. The problem is with only drop-down having large set of data. It simply blinks and goes away (so, user can see drop-down being expanded for a very short moment of time). There is no particular error message seen on the UI front.

    The problem seems, drop-down fails to expand all it's items to allow user to select an item. Note that, this works on Appian 16.2 version. So this could be special issue in Appian 17.1.

    Probably, you can try creating very simple interface UI having few SAIL components along with drop-down field (pass large set of data, around 2500). Test the interface on Appian 16.2 & 17.1 platforms. Let me know in case it works for you on both the versions.

  • Today, I checked & found that, drop-down works on Chrome browser. I have created very simple Interface rule having only drop-down component with around 2668 items.

    I tried selecting an item from drop-down from IE (Version 11) & Chrome browser. On Chrome, it was allowing me to expand & select an item from drop-down. However IE browser not expending the drop-down items. So on the first look, it seems browser issue.

    Please share your experiences with this behavior. I am still working on finding the cause & solution for this issue.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Yes, it seems it works on Interface Designer mode. However, if you take a look at the generated task (From process model) in tempo, it does not work.
    To reproduce this issue, you need to create basic process model and call the rule in user input task.