IMPORTANT: Select component plug-ins are experiencing issues due to a recent browser update. If you encounter any problems with previously functional component plug-ins, please create a support case. If you notice other component plug-ins that are not functioning correctly, please create additional support cases for each instance.
Apryse WebViewer for Appian is renowned document technology that powers mission-critical applications for private companies, large enterprises, and governments alike.
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I am using WebViewer function to edit my Word file, as I am passing the Enable Office Editing then Document is not get loading on defining the docId in local. but if I pass enableOfficeEditing as false, it will be visible on loading the interface.
Can anybody help on this, is it a plugin issue or I am missing any parameter, in attachment.
Hi Andy Huang, i am using web viewer component to highlight the particular text in document, i am passing that value as a local variable to searchTerm parameter, when local variable changes the highlighted value should be change. How can i acheive that?