• Audio Player Component

    Plays MP3, WAV, or OGG audio from a URL
    Cloud Approved,
  • Appian Browser Extension Companion App

    The Appian browser extension allows you to interact with Appian with a single click.
    Cloud Approved,
  • SAIL for Sublime Text

    Appian SAIL syntax support for Sublime Text 3
    Cloud Approved,
  • SAIL Tools

    A command line tool for creating, editing, testing and deploying Component Plug-ins
  • Saved Filters Application

    Allows users to save their individual filters on reports.
    Cloud Approved,
  • MySQL Dump to Document

    Generates a dump of a MySQL database to a document in Appian
    Cloud Approved,
  • Currency Functions

    Provides functions for currency based on the international organization for standardization (ISO)
    Cloud Approved,
  • Task Reassignment

    Facilitates bulk reassignment of Tasks from one User to another
    Cloud Approved,
  • Validate Encrypted Text

    Matches the decrypted text against a regular expression
    Cloud Approved,
  • Fit Fam - Fitnesse for Appian Generator

    Generates FitNesse scripts for your existing Appian interfaces
    Cloud Approved, Health Check Verified
  • Login Information Parser

    Reads login audit file(s) and populate a database with information about logins
    Cloud Approved,
  • User Profile Picture Utilities

    Update or retrieve a user’s profile picture
    Cloud Approved,

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Want to expand your organization’s use of low code? Talk to Appian about the unified platform for change.