Hello, I created a page with a process launcher button to start my pr


I created a page with a process launcher button to start my process. But the option to choose "open start form in a new Window" is disabled. My process does not have start form but I would like to launch the process in a new window.

Any syggestions?...



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  • You need a start form to make the launcher display the tasks in a pop-up. You can put a confirmation message in the start form so the end-user confirms if he really wants to start the process or something similar to add a "purpose" to the start form.

    If you don't have anything to put in the start form you can create it and use JavaScript to auto-submit it and activity chain the start event with the first task of your process.

    To autosubmit the start form use this JS in the load event of it:

  • This is a neat workaround to get the task into a new window. However, I notice that the "Redirection after Start" options don't work once I add this JS code to the load even on the start form. Is that a known issue? Is there any way around it?
  • I think what Eduardo is describing is a user input task prior to entering the process. This form can either have input fields that gather meaningful information for use in the process, or just use the autosubmit features to move directly into the process. In either case, you will need to chain from the user input task to the process.

    You would not use a start form within the process model itself - this initial user input task is your "start form." This is a really handy thing to do for quick-task implementation when you want the task to open in a new window.
  • I think we may be talking about the same form. This is one you build under File, Properties, Process Start Form, Edit Form, correct?

    The problem I'm running into is this. I've got a process launcher configured as follows:

    Skip the Start Form == No
    Open Start Form in a New Window == Yes
    Redirection After Start == "Go to process dashboard"

    Without the suggested Javascript, the launcher behaves as expected. The start form appears. I click through it. Go to the next form. Enter data. Submit. And then get redirected to the process dashboard.

    With the suggested Javascript, the redirection functionality breaks. Specifically, the start form does NOT appear (good!). The next form does appear (good!). I enter data and submit. But then I do NOT get redirected to the process dashboard (bad!). It just leaves me on the home page.

    I wasn't sure if this was expected behavior or not. This is Appian 6.6 btw.
  • The configuration is fine. You just need to tweak the JavaScript a little bit to allow the start form complete the load of the required code to make the redirect work.

    The only thing you have to do is to wrap this autosubmit code into a setTimeOut function to delay its execution a little bit. In the example I used to test 50 ms were enough (you can try to reduce it or increase it if you're not getting the desired behavior but 50 ms should be enough).

    Put this in the load event instead:
