Bulk User Import


Import users and assign them to groups en masse.

Supports updating existing users, appending group membership and replacing group membership. Suppresses user creation notification email. Supports adding users to a SAML group when required.


Deployment Instructions

  • Deploy database artifacts (~/sql/BUI Schema.sql)
  • Import app (~/application/Bulk User Import (BUI).zip)
  • If your business data source is not jdbc/Appian:
    • Open the "BUI Data Store" object, choose the relevant data source and publish the data store.
    • Update the "BUI_DATA_SOURCE_NAME" constant with the relevant data source name.
    • Open the "BUI Import Users" process model, reconfigure the "Truncate userRequest table" node to point to the relevant data source and publish the process model.
  • BUI Create Update User

    The processModel [id= uuid=0000e46e-9df8-8000-160d-c64d98c64d98] was not imported because a required precedent is missing: The referenced smart service [local-id=psshared.peoplefunctions.UpdateProfileAdvanced, name=Update User Profile Advanced] was not found. (APNX-1-4073-000) (APNX-1-4071-006)

  • BUI Create Update User

    The processModel [id= uuid=0000e46e-9df8-8000-160d-c64d98c64d98] was not imported because a required precedent is missing: The referenced smart service [local-id=psshared.peoplefunctions.UpdateProfileAdvanced, name=Update User Profile Advanced] was not found. (APNX-1-4073-000) (APNX-1-4071-006)

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