• Get Last Successful Login Details

    Returns the last successful login for a user in the last 30 days
    Cloud Approved,
  • Date and Time Utilities

    Contains many functions for common date and time manipulation, with an emphasis on the Appian Date and Time data type
    Cloud Approved,
  • Image Utilities

    Resize, trim and convert images within an Appian process
    Cloud Approved,
  • Redline Comparison

    Provides a least-edit-distance comparison of data structures that can be cleanly rendered using rich text
    Cloud Approved,
  • Batch SQL Import

    Import a SQL file or zip of SQL from Appian content management into the connected database
    Cloud Approved,
  • Cron Utilities

    Includes multiple cron functions to facilitate scheduling using cron strings.
    Cloud Approved,
  • Record Field Picker

    A picker allowing a user to select a record field
  • Icon Picker

    A picker allowing a user to select an icon to be used within a!richTextIcon.
    Cloud Approved,
  • Expression Utils

    Provides rules for commonly needed functionality in Appian expressions.
    Cloud Approved,
  • EU COVID-19 Digital Certificate

    The component decode QR Code for COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate and return data and QR Code Image to Appian SAIL
    Cloud Approved, Health Check Verified
  • Render Avatars for Presentation

    A utility to facilitate putting images of people in presentation slides. Uses Appian user names, photos, and titles.
    Cloud Approved,
  • SAIL Dialogs

    A framework for easily displaying dialog UIs in SAIL.
    Cloud Approved,

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