• GenAI Tool - Data Generator

    The Plugin allows developers to generate sample data of an inputted Record Type with generative AI
    Cloud Approved,
  • Adobe Document Services and Adobe Sign

    Create workflows using Adobe Acrobat Services to create, manage, edit, and approve your PDFs in one unified experience
    Cloud Approved,
  • Zoom Connected System

    Used to generate signatures for the zoom component and store the screenshots in Appian taken in the component
    Cloud Approved,
  • Document Vector Database

    It enables Large Language Models (LLMs) to answer user submitted questions based on Appian Knowledge Center Documents
    Cloud Approved,
  • GenAI Tool - Data Formatter

    The plugin allows developers to manipulate input data to fit a format specified by the user in simple, natural language
    Cloud Approved,
  • GenAI Tool - Entity Extractor

    It allows developers to extract specific entities with the help of OpenAI services
    Cloud Approved,
  • Pinecone Connected System

    Pinecone makes it easy to build high-performance vector search applications
    Cloud Approved,
  • OneDrive Connected System

    You can build integrations to use them to upload,list existing files and create folders using a button click in Appian
    Cloud Approved,
  • Google Cloud Translate

    Leverages Google Cloud Translate for language detection and translation services
    Cloud Approved,
  • SharePoint Direct Upload Connected System

    This CS plugin calls Microsoft to retrieve an access token as well as an upload URL for large file uploads
    Cloud Approved,
  • AI21

    This plugin makes AI-assisted writing easily accessible for automating and enhancing text-based tasks
    Cloud Approved,
  • Cohere

    The Cohere Appian plugin allows users to leverage these capabilities from within the Appian platform
    Cloud Approved,

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