I'm having an odd issue allowing users to download documents. I have a proce

I'm having an odd issue allowing users to download documents. I have a process where files are uploaded and a task is assigned to multiple actors for download, review, and approval. All but one group is able to download the forms. When they try to open the form they see an "Application Error" screen without any details. The application-server.log does contain this error "ERROR com.appiancorp.km.actions.GetDocumentAction - The Document could not be downloaded. (id=1091)". I can copy and paste the download link to another user's session and it will work, so it seems like a permissions issue. I've even made this group an admin on the folder and it still does not open.

Any suggestions? ...



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  • Is this group dynamically created, or are you adding these users to this group dynamically in your process, and does this issue persist for only few minutes? If yes, then please read my comments regarding Group Membership Cache here - forum.appian.com/.../e-60646 . Basically, it may not have anything to do with the folder permissions.

    Please give more details of your use case (process flow), so that we can help.
  • Right now the group was created and members added manually. I'm still in dev\          esting, but later I will most likely use rules to determine membership. I'll try to summarize the flow. First a folder is created and permissions are set, then the first user uploads files into the folder, then a task is sent to another user who processes the files, if that user needs an approval for one of the files it goes through two approval users, then as the final user action, a document imaging user has a task to download the files and organize them into our document management system. Everyone is able to download the files, except for the final imaging user.
    I'm modifying folder security before each task to keep the permissions tight. I've checked the folder while I'm trying to open the document and the group is listed as having read access. I also tried setting the group as an admin, as noted above, but neither helped.
  • From what I understand (please correct me if I misunderstood), you are
    1. *not* changing a group's membership in the process during the entire flow
    2. creating a new folder per process flow
    3. right before generating a task for a user to download the document, adding the corresponding group as Read-Only.

    Now, the user from the last group (Imaging) are not able to download the document.

    1. Just as a sanity check, have you tried simulating this flow manually instead of from the process?
    2. Can the Document Imaging group download the document from the user interface?
    3. Is this behavior permanent for these users?
    4. How many gateways do you have?
  • You're understanding is correct. I'm a little fuzzy on some of your questions though. 1. I assume you're asking have I started the nodes in the middle of the process to set permissions and assign the task. Thus, skipping all the other nodes and gateways that could be causing trouble. I can't say that I have tried that. I'll have give it a shot.
    2. I'm not sure what interface you are referring to. This is currently in the apps portal since tempo does not support grids, and these users are never mobile.
    3. Yes, once I moved out of the debugger and stopped using my admin account while testing I realized this issue.
    4. In the entire process? I count 6 in the main process, plus a few more in the subs.

    I'm thinking this may be some kind of fluke. I imported the application to another server for a demo that is scheduled tomorrow and it appears to be working (fingers crossed). I'll try the manual process flow and give the server a nice little reboot. It seems odd that I can actually see on the security screen that the group has permission, and I can see the user in the group, but I can't access the file.
  • Sorry for the confusion.

    #1, #2 -- by user interface, I meant, the "designer" interface outside the process modeler. Basically, perform the same steps of changing folder security from the Documents tab in Appian.

    #4 -- by gateway, I meant, the Application Gateway Architecture (forum.appian.com/.../Gateway_Architecture). In other words, are you using multiple Gateway architecture or single?

    "If you are using multiple gateways," it may explain this behavior, i.e., importing the application to the other environment works, but it doesn't work in your Dev environment. If your Dev gateways (assuming multiple gateway architecture) are out-of-sync for some reason (needs further investigation), you may experience this behavior. Since you are in Dev, restarting the server may be a viable solution, but I would recommend creating an Appian Support case.