• GenAI Tool - Document Summarizer

    It allows developers to get a summary of a document or text with the help of OpenAI services
    Cloud Approved,
  • GenAI Tool - Data Formatter

    The plugin allows developers to manipulate input data to fit a format specified by the user in simple, natural language
    Cloud Approved,
  • GenAI Tool - Entity Extractor

    It allows developers to extract specific entities with the help of OpenAI services
    Cloud Approved,
  • Automated Import Manager (AIM) Client

    Utility for integrating Appian DevOps with an external CI tool or deploying through the command line
  • Document Vector Database

    It enables Large Language Models (LLMs) to answer user submitted questions based on Appian Knowledge Center Documents
    Cloud Approved,
  • Rich Text Editor Component

    Displays a field that allows user entry of formatted ("rich") text
    Featured Cloud Approved,
  • SmartCOMM

    The plugin allows users to search SmartCOMM templates and generate drafts or documents with Appian data
    Cloud Approved,
  • JWT

    Utilities to create and validate signed JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
    Cloud Approved,
  • SmartCOMM Draft Editor

    The component enables users to effortlessly add and edit text and pre-approved content from existing templates
    Cloud Approved,
  • Notary Seal Tool

    Notary Seal tool smart service to digitally sign a document using an SSL certificate
    Cloud Approved,
  • Self Service Process Unarchive (SSPU)

    Application that enables users to unarchive processes without engaging Support as long as a few preconditions are met.
    Cloud Approved,
  • Google Cloud Document OCR Connected System

    Provides support for Google Cloud Vision OCR of PDF and TIFF files (up to 2000 pages)
    Cloud Approved,

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