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KB-1330 a!startProcess() fails to trigger "onSuccess"


When using the a!startProcess() function to start a process from an interface and the user has Initiator rights on the target process model, the process starts, but the onSuccess parameter of the function does not trigger. No error is presented on the interface. The error printed in the log is below:

[ajp-/] ERROR com.appiancorp.core.expr.reaction.smartservicebridge.SmartServiceBridgeReaction - Exception occurred during activation of ReactionFunction {key='sys.smartService.start-process-2', class='com.appiancorp.core.expr.reaction.smartservicebridge.PluginSmartServiceBridgeReaction'}
INFO  [stdout] (ajp-/ com.appiancorp.suiteapi.process.exceptions.SmartServiceException: The user [ramy_basic] does not have sufficient privileges to perform the requested action.


This issue has been reported to the Appian product team. The reference number for this issue is AN-80632.


Give users Viewer access to the target process model in the a!startProcess() function in order to trigger the onSuccess parameter.

Affected Versions

This article applies to Appian 16.2 and later.

Last Reviewed: April 2017