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KB-XXXX "Invalid bean property name 'Attachments'" error when triggering a process via email


When attempting to trigger a process with an email that contains an attachment, the process does not start. The following error is seen in the logs:

ERROR:EVAL:@reason=Invalid bean property name 'Attachments' (valid properties are x_google_smtp_source;cc;mime_version;x_received;ccnames;tonames;recipients;recipientsemails;recipientsnames;destinationpmid;attachmenterrors;delivered_to;bodies;importance;content)


The Email Attachments Folder has not been configured in the process model properties.


Open the process model properties for the process in question and configure the Email Attachments Folder:

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian.

Last Reviewed: January 2019