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DRAFT KB-XXXX Select all/deselect all prevents further selections being shown in a gridLayout


Symptom 1

Selecting the 'select all' checkbox in an editable grid and then deselecting all items stores an incorrect selection list. Please find an example below:

  1. Create a new interface.
  2. Create an editable grid with selection enabled and some way to be able to see the selected indices (i.e I used a text field to display the value)
  3. Select all (with the top checkbox):
  4. Clear selection with top checkbox:
  5. You will notice: Selected: ;
  6. Select an individual item, e.g. row 2: Selected: ; ; 2
  7. Select another item, e.g. row 1: Selected: ; ; 2; 1

Note: Row 2 is deselected automatically, we still see 2 in the selected list and the top checkbox (all) is selected.

Symptom 2


  • This issue has been reported to the Appian Product Team. The reference number for this issue is AN-144124.

When logging a product defect, ensure you use the known issues tag as well as the open issues or fixed issues tag, depending if the issue is fixed or not.


Use gridField() instead of gridLayout(). The gridLayout() function does not exhibit the abnormal behavior outlined in the Symptoms section.

Affected Versions

  • This article applies to all versions of Appian

Last Reviewed: November 2019