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DRAFT KB-XXXX How to extract slim logs on Linux environments


In order to assist with troubleshooting issues, Appian support cases may require the collection of slim log files from a specific Appian environment. This article provides instructions on how to extract slim logs on Linux environments. 


Run the following command from the <APPIAN_HOME>/logs/ directory in order to generate the required .tar file. This command will create a set of logs in the /tmp/ directory. These files be about 200MB in size.

Note: this is a multi-line command.

tarname=$(hostname -s)-slim-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d"); \
find . \( \
-name engine_status.csv \
-o -name "*_summary.csv*" \
-o -name "service_manager*" \
-o -name "zookeeper*" \
-o -name “server.log” \
-o -name "product_metrics*" \) | tar -cvf /tmp/${tarname}.tar --hard-dereference --files-from -; \
find ./data-metrics/ | tar -rvf /tmp/${tarname}.tar --hard-dereference --files-from -; \
find ./service-manager/metrics/jvm | tar -rvf /tmp/${tarname}.tar --hard-dereference --files-from -; \
find ./service-manager/kafka | tar -rvf /tmp/${tarname}.tar --hard-dereference --files-from -; \
gzip -f /tmp/${tarname}.tar

After running the command, zip the logs in the /tmp directory and upload it to the support case as requested by Appian Support.

Affected Versions

This article applies to all versions of Appian using Linux as the operating system.

Last Reviewed: July 2018